How To Get Your Breakthrough In 2016! Must Read


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How to get your breakthrough in 2016. This thread is about to get really real, if you are faint at heart please exit stage left right now. Not everyone is going to be able to tolerate this message, but if you hear the call on the Lord, heed now! Y'all I don't have time to re-edit this 100 times to check for tone, so please just know that this is coming from the right place. 10 tips!

1. Remain on fire for God. The Kingdom is about winning souls for Christ. Taking up your cross, and dying daily. The preachers you are listening to are telling you how to LIVE. They are telling you how to get all your blessings. Too many people are on a quest to SAVE THEIR LIVES because they heard it over the pulpit on Sunday. You want to save it, then LOSE it. Stop re-interpreting the scipture and go on ahead and die to it. Share the gospel through your walk and your devotion to the Lord and willingness not to compromise. The Kingdom is already yours. All you have to do is walk in it. You worried about your career, your relationship status, more than how your spiritual barometer is reading. If your spiritual barometer is good, these things will be ADDED. If you don't believe they will be added, then just throw all of the scriptures out. There is no point of half-steppin this thing. It's all or none. Either this gospel thing is going to work or it doesn't work. Choose one or the other.
2. Keep your prayer life strong. Men ought always pray and not faint. You haven't got the victory because you don't pray. You haven't got any discernment because you don't pray. If Jesus had to pray to be victorious, you will have to pray too. Stop looking at the bible as a list of recommendations, and look at it as a life manual.
3. Keep your gospel game up. I love Jonathan McReynolds because he has life music. Church is not for Sunday, it's for Mon thru Sat too first. Listen to his song "Maintain." Get both of Jonathan's CDs, and figure out how you can die to your flesh. Practice what he is saying all day everyday. Listen to his interviews. He is in love with Christ, he's got something that's working! He is content with the chapter he is in, in life. God is first. Let your joy be full in the Lord. If there is voodoo in the music video or you feel weird, shut it off. In other words, don't drank the Lemonade y'all. You can't listen to the preacher on sunday and listen to the world's preachers (rap) the rest of the week. Black men are the largest consumers of rap, how is it working out for them? TI and Lil Wayne are not helping anyone reach their destiny. I'm not judging them or their hearts, but they should not be your preachers. If you're not married, don't listen to Sade more than you listen to gospel. Sade can't help you in your singleness. If the Lord tells you to turn the box completely off, turn it off. If the music makes you struggle, turn the box off. Sin becomes sin the moment you feel convicted, even if technically there is nothing wrong with it. Jonathan put it like this, what you focus on will grow. If you listen to gospel, your love for God will grow. You want more of God in your life, you wan't him to increase, play music dedicated to him. We only have so many hours in the day. What are you going to plug into? I'm not saying if you play a single song, you are going to fall. Look at your ratio. Look at your heart. C'mon worship leaders and gospel music creators are sinning.
4. Gossip. Stop listening to WENDY. Stop following Rachel Roy's instagram page. You weren't there, so any speculation or conclusions you make about it will be gossip and spreading rumors. People are being crucified on instagram, don't join into the madness. Pray for this folks y'all. Gossipers are not inheriting the Kingdom. Stop talking about it under the guise of concern. This is not a game.
5. Stop with the self righetousness. Everytime a gospel leader falls, it is not grounds to take them to the mill. Tell them the truth in love, but don't look down on anyone just because you wouldn't do something. Don't read into reasons why people may be doing something. They could be ignorant, they could be just plain disobedient, the fact is that you don't know. Let God be the judge. The bible says you've got to have a greater righteousness than the Pharisee to make it into his Kindom. Don't be a Pharisee. Plus, God says with the measure you judge, God will judge you. If you are going to judge, don't listen to it. Get off the site. Yes, judge the action, but don't pretend like you know what is going on in peoples hearts, especially when you are doing more talking than praying and are not filled enought to be accurate.
6. Stop going on instagram. If you check your instagram more than you read your bible, something is wrong. You're going to check up on your favorite dating couple everyday, observing the life you want. Well that's nice for them, but if marriage is an idol for you ,don't surf the page. Let's not be focused on the wrong stuff. If you're are more focused on what Beyonce wore, who Becky is than the Kingdom, then you are asleep. Yet, you haven't spent anytime with God, you haven't prayed. Instagram is full of idols. Your time is your treasure too. If you are rich in other things, but not "rich toward God," something is wrong.
7. Get busy. What have you done for the Kingdom? I got a better question, who's deliverance is tied up to the job God called you to do? God is looking for servants who are working. If you are going to church every sunday to get your business plan and life strategy you are not doing the work. What are you doing to help other christians suceed at their mission for Christ? Are you praying for other christians who are on the field? Are you sharing the gospel to the sick and the poor? Yes, we have to work. But pray before you go to work that your dilligence or work ethic may bring glory to God or salvation to others. Maybe they will see your good works and see that there may be something to this God thing. You life should be your ministry, more than your words. Not everyone that says Lord, will enter the kingdom. But those who are doing the WILL of the father. You can't do his will, because your career is not good enough. Or your marital status is not good enough. Or your social status, or x,y,z, is not good enough. So you've got to work on that first, and when that's all good you can start working for the kingdom, right? Some people have buried the talent. Where is your talent at work in advancing the kingdom? Christians are asleep while they are strolling on twitter and instagram. Can I keep it 100, some christian are missing God's mission while they are praying for a husband. You're never going to find him because God's not going to send him. You're not faithful in the little, he's not going to make you ruler over much. You don't pray but you want to rear up children. God's not first, but you plan to teach that to your little ones. I'm saying you, but I can say we. We can see what everyone else is doing but we can't see what we are doing but it's really lukewarm y'all.
8. Turn down some plates. You haven't prayed, but you also haven't fasted. God tells us, that if you ASK, PRAY, and GIVE he will reward you. Go ahead and go on a consecration. Turn down a few plates, and maybe God can show you some of the areas that you are failing in. Take the money that you saved from fasting, and give it to the poor. You want to be blessed? Start with those three things. That's how you get a breakthrough.
9. Come on out from the dead people. You can't get where you are going because you are spending so much time with the dead. Hook up with some people who are on fire for God and who are doing the work. You used to be on fire for God because you were among those who were on fire for God. You need Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego if you are going to make it. Iron sharpens iron. If your friends can only bring out the aluminum foil, you are not going to be able to do this thing.
10. Stop trusting in your works. Some of y'all saying, that's not me. If you were able to do 8 out of the 10 commandments, you read your bible today, you fasted, and you gave 10% (not in the new testament), you're still not qualified. Just because you tithed, you are not right with God. That is old testament law. I'm not trying to rob anyone's church, but if you think you're salvation is pending on the 10% you need to gone on and get free from the curse. Not from giving the 10% but from the bondage that somehow the walls are going to fall down if you don't. Give freely from your hearts as Paul instructs. The bible says that salvation is by faith alone, not works. Of course, works confirm the faith. Will you exchange your freedom for a works-based salvation. Don't miss that, it's the whole point of Paul's message in the New testament. Read Galatians 3, I think.

I have to say something quick about re-interpreting sciptures, don't fall for it. I pray the Lord sees my heart right now, because the bible tells us that women shouldn't teach, and that's exactly what I'm doing, but I can't just let this thing go. We have got to stop reinterpreting scripture to suit what we want to do.

I'm going to have to say something too. If you are catholic, and you don't want to entertain the truth, then please go on ahead and exit left right now. Please do, because I'm not posting this for arguements.
But, this last one, I have to say. Some of you need to go on ahead and disenroll yourself from the christian forum. Because you are fellowshipping with doctrines of demons and you know it. I have sat here this morning and tried to figure out how to say this in love, and y'all just going to have to hope that I am coming from a good place. But, you are doing your Catholic brothers and sisters a disservice. I had a dream about this years ago right before they wanted to make a separate forum. Either it was a false dream or I interpretated it wrong, but neither of those things matter. What matters, is that you already know the truth and you are tolerating it. And you don't want to be fellowshipping with demons. The catholic church is idolatrous. It is. You need not have to utter one idolatrous prayer in order to be in fellowship with it, this thing is bigger than you. It's a kingdom. Don't your research with an open mind if the truth is what you seek. Their hearts are in the right place, but they are unwilling to hear truth. If you pray for them, maybe they will be able to see it. All things by prayer and fasting folks. The bible is the ONLY doctrine you need. God has his writers and it's already written.

Y'all want a breakthrough in 2016. This is how you get it. Gone on ahead and follow the bible and do exactly what it says. Because the blessing are coming down, but you are opting out because you don't do what the Lord has told you to do. When he says, put him first, you say you will but you don't. You say wan't 100 fold. Don't just sow a seed, lay down your life. You want to show God you love him, lay down the life. It's going to cost you. Go on ahead and count the cost. It could cost you everything. Are you willing to sell all you have if it get's in the way? He says modesty and shamefacedness. Make no mistake, a piously dressed person can be brazen on the inside too. Trust me, I had religion down to a science (I'm not brazen on the inside). I have changed my wardrobe 1 million times. I'm free from religion, I said. But how many times are we going to remix it? It hate religiousity too, I'm not trying to be a Pharisee, and I also want to say that not wearning a brazen look is not going to save anyone. What I am talking about is the heart. Let's clean the cup on the inside and the outside will be clean. There is no need to fear. If God has a man for you, he will find you without the top of the line clothing and the bold look. If he does not have a man for you, then who cares. Yep, I said it, who cares! You're adding nothing to your life by worrying about it. You want to be daughters of Sarah, then don't fear. The bible tells us to be rich toward God. You can't be rich towards God if you are in a slump over not being married. Let's be honest, we are not rich toward him. Do what he says and everything HE HAS for you will be yours. Put him first, and if he has the hooptie or the maybach for you, you will get it. Or your bus pass. If he has Boris Kodjoe or Doug Heffernan, or the pillow and your bible, you will get it. If you get the maybach or Boris and it's too much, then gone ahead and send that back. Come on, the gospel is the pearl of great worth, is it not?

But back to this Catholic thing. There is ONE MEDIATOR, one God. Stop petitioning the dead. Let the dead be dead. Let the dead bury the dead. Follow Christ. He says ADD nothing to his word. Timothy tells us they will forbid to marry, and abstain from foods. If you go online, someone is going to rationalize it for you and tell you that they do not forbid marriage and do not abstain, when it fact they do! It's not worth the gamble. We don't need all these dominations, the bible says there is ONE FAITH. I don't care about the church history, we got the bible. Do you care more about tradition or God? If you love God, sell what you feel like you need so bad that you aren't glorifying God with your life. Leave the church and go to one that will teach you to care more about your heart than your business (but don't judge them if they do). Pray. Restore. Stop looking at all this stuff without on instagram, and look within. People are doing all this talking, saying with their mouthes that the Lord is coming back. But the bible says that, The Kingdom of God is within you! Check your hearts. And listen to Jonathan McReynolds.

Hope you get your breakthrough, I'm signing off from the CF after today. Pray for me saints if you feel I was out of line with this thread.
Deuteronomy 18:11. Do not consult with the dead, common catholic practice. Get free. Someone doesn't want to let it go. Don't miss out on God for a religion. Keep praying for those who are praying for them. I'm not coming back to this forum though. God bless!
Hi @BeautyByYasmine - may I ask why you're not coming back to the forum? If you'd rather not answer, I understand.. I wish you well just the same. I've been enjoying your posts.

On your OP, food for thought. I agree about the heart.. only God knows one's heart. Take care!
Hi @Laela, I don't have anything more to share here. I have been convicted for a long time for teaching on here anyway, it's not my place. But to be honest, I'm not sure what is going on up in here (the open catholic thread is a wild card), anything can be going on up in here. That means I gotsta bounce. Love you, you are amazing super saint!
oh... super saint, I'm not! A sinner, saved by Grace. But if you get to read this: God bless you always, He will always lead you to where you need to be. ~
