How to Get that Thick,Shiny,Soft Hair???


New Member
Hello Again I always feel like I talk to much but I can't help it :grin:

So I need help getting this hair

I use to have this hair when I was younger and I look on older pics when I was like 3 and 6. How can I get that hair back? My hair use to look just like hers, I miss that hair, it is true when they say ''You never know what you got til its gone''. Anywho Help me ladies I know someone can help me.

What are some techniques,tips,tricks,products,etc??
Do I just Co-Wash and Oil Rinse?
Do I DC and Shampoo?

Also If you hair looks like hers I say::needpics:
You are not gonna get that hair again. That was baby hair. At puberty, our body changes, and that includes hair. If your hair changed, that hair was not the hair you was meant to have throughout your life. My hair was different than it is now also.
IA - you can't get you childhood hair back - you definitely can't be an adult with the hair of a three year old. You can improve your adult hair now. You can improve your diet, take vitamins, use herbs and oils, lots of conditioning, etc. Try one of the challenge threads they're usually full of info that can help you get started.
I think you should concentrate one thing first and then incorporate the other when you are close to that goal.

What I mean is if your hair is not soft right now, then concentrate on how to get your hair to be soft. Cleanse your hair and then start moisturize hair regimen, but don't forget your protein. Once you are satisfied start incorporating things to it for your next goal, eg - shine and luster, etc. Hope this make sense?

Example in my case, I first was concentrating on growing the hair on the back of my head as shown in my siggy it was real short - damage. Saw growth, then I wanted my sides to be soft not rough, I moisturized like crazy and started co-washing and added some ceramides. Now I want my nape to start growing properly, and I continue on my HHJ. Good luck. Nothing was overnight for me, but I did gradually saw progress.
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