how to get my curls back?

  • after i had my baby my hair was stick straight had become very thin and wouldnt curl for nothing now almost a year later i can only get my curls to form with heavy product and then its still a hot fuzzy frizzy mess i havent had my hair cut in almost 2 years and i have retained most of my length yes my ends are split but to what extent i dont know im scared to go the salon because they might take off to much what should i do???
  • after i had my baby my hair was stick straight had become very thin and wouldnt curl for nothing now almost a year later i can only get my curls to form with heavy product and then its still a hot fuzzy frizzy mess i havent had my hair cut in almost 2 years and i have retained most of my length yes my ends are split but to what extent i dont know im scared to go the salon because they might take off to much what should i do???

If you have a lot of split ends, you should cut them off gradually if you want to maintain some length...That might be why ur hair is not curling. It's just dead weight at this point. However, in addition to that maintenance have you done any protein treatments? Are you healthy? How did your hair curl before the baby arrived? Any pics?

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I've heard of women dealing with new hair textures after having kids, and the general consensus is - welcome to your new hair! :bighug: Sorry.

I'm assuming you're natural? Try upping your moisture, though, as that seems to be useful in getting hair to curl instead of frizz.