I've been in a situation where someone was repeatedly doing something on purpose (in part) to hurt me and I had no way of avoiding them or the situation. I know it was on purpose becuase they told me they knew they were wrong...but was doing it anyways because they wanted to...and they were a Christian!
It was very hurtful. And its hard to forgive someone who hurts you repeatedly on purpose. I kept thinking I had forgiven her...but really hadn't. I was holding on to the hurt and nurturing unforgivenss in the far recesses of my heart.
Ways I knew that I hadn't truly forgiven her in my heart:
1. I resented it when she was blessed. (This stuff went on for a year and in that time she got a new car, cash settlement etc.)
2. I wanted to tell other people what she had done so they wouldn't think that she was such a great person (though I didn't actually tell anything)
3. I wanted her to apologize to me.
4. I anticipated the vengence of God reigning down on her for the horrible things she was doing.
5. I could barely even look at her wthout getting upset!
I had to really pray to God to work on MY HEART. During that time I read a book (can't remember the name of it) about offense and studied forgiveness. Cuz I thought I had forgiven her but the above feelings lingered, different ones at different times.
Like @
lacreolegurl described, when I started to MOURN my OWN sins in supplication to GOd...and recognized just how much mercy and forgiveness I needed because of the wicked DESIRES of my heart on a regular basis...then I was more inclined to have mercy on her.
I had to give up wanting her punished for her sins. Thats mercy. I had to give up my self-righteous stance (not to be confused with me knowing that I was blameless...because this situation was completely of her making) where because I am "right" I get to look down on her or expect her to fulfill my expectations of her repentence. I wanted her tried, sentenced, and punished for her sins (all because it was against ME)...but looked for mercy for myself in other areas. Hypocrite! It was hard but I had to realize that we are BOTH guilty of the whole law and BOTH needed salvation and were BOTH only saved by God's grace.
I had to realize that her sins where primarily an affront against God and that I should not pray that she apologize to me but that her relationship with God is restored to where HE wants her to be. I had to BEAR THAT BURDEN because she was overtaken in a fault. THIS IS NOT EASY...but its NECESSARY...and its WORTH IT. THis is how Jesus loves us. To be loving (not fake) when love is not offered. To cultivate kindness when kindness is witheld. To understand that she is weak in this area...which means she has a need that only God can fulfil...Im just a byproduct in her struggle against the will of God and the rule of her flesh. I had to stop taking it so personal...and that didnt make sense to me at first...but eventually I was able to see her attacks as an physical show of an spiritual need.
How I know that I had forgiven her completely:
1. I can say hi without her sins replaying in my head (though we are not friends we do come into contact regularly). Note: there is nothing wrong with distancing yourself from abuse or certain people...but distance should never be mistaken for forgiveness.
2. I MOURNED (prayed for her and cried and asked her if she needed anything) when she actually reaped the consequences of her sins (And they were life-changing!)
3. When she eventually apologized...well after I forgave her...two years after the issue...I told her there was no need, I had already forgiven her. And I didnt gloat.
If you REALLY want to forgive someone and you are finding it God. He has taught us a lot in his word about forgiveness and he will deal with our hearts in prayer. After all...he did say that not only is he faithful to forgive us but that he will cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness...which includes holding unforgiveness in our hearts.