How to Flat Iron if Oils are bad and Cones are too?

New Member
So I have another post floating around about Cones and why are they bad.

So I have a question to all the ladies who flat iron. If oils are bad to use to flat iron with and so are cones (because they have to be removed with shampoos and can clog the hair) then what can be used to achieve straight hair on naturals who flat iron?
Cones like everything else can be bad when misused.

When using heat, cones are practically a must. Cones have one of the highest specific heat thresholds which is why they are used in heat styling products.
cones are not bad imo.if you are only using conditioner to wash your hair then they present a problem. i dont see a problem with using shampoo either but thats just me. i use a cone laden serum and my hair comes out nice and silky when i flat iron.
Honestly, do what works for YOU! Everything doesn't work for everybody. Find out what your hair likes and be consistent with it. I don't go out of my way to avoid cone based products and I always use them heat styling
Cones don't agree with my hair for the most part when flat ironing. I flat ironed Friday night using cones, and my hair was kinda dry looking.

I pulled out the Ultra Sheen Creme Satin Pres (One 's') and my hair is back to it's flowing self tonight! I have to learn to just keep sticking with what works.
Honestly, do what works for YOU! Everything doesn't work for everybody. Find out what your hair likes and be consistent with it. I don't go out of my way to avoid cone based products and I always use them heat styling
ITA with the bold. I wanted that darn Chi Silk Inf to work while flat ironing.:nono: Didn't happen.