How to deal with a thin scalp on certain parts?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!

I've been natural for almost 18 months and I'm really happy with the knowledge I've gained over the past year and the progress that my hair has made. Unfortunately, I'm beginning to realize that the horrible hair care practices that were done in the past still affect my hair and scalp. Over four years ago, my aunt cornrowed my hair so tightly that I have a huge patch on the right side of my head. It's about four inches wide and two-three inches long and difficult to cover up. Then, about two years ago, I had a sew-in done by a hair stylist who cornrowed my hair so tightly that it created a patch on the left side of my head. That one is much smaller than the first but it's still large enough to be seen. The hair on both sides of my head is significantly thinner compared to my crown or the back. I've been to a dermatologist, who suggested I use Rogain (she recommended 2% but I've been using 5% for the past three months) and biotin. Since then I started taking biotin (5000mcg) once a day and I experienced a lot of shedding. I'm talking about approximately a month's worth of shedding in a week. Fortunately, the shedding stopped after a month but I can't help but think that I've lost some thickness from that ordeal.

All of these scalp issues make it difficult to style my hair to my liking, even though my hair is collarbone length. How can I get over these scalp issues? Any suggestions?
Hi everyone!

I've been natural for almost 18 months and I'm really happy with the knowledge I've gained over the past year and the progress that my hair has made. Unfortunately, I'm beginning to realize that the horrible hair care practices that were done in the past still affect my hair and scalp. Over four years ago, my aunt cornrowed my hair so tightly that I have a huge patch on the right side of my head. It's about four inches wide and two-three inches long and difficult to cover up. Then, about two years ago, I had a sew-in done by a hair stylist who cornrowed my hair so tightly that it created a patch on the left side of my head. That one is much smaller than the first but it's still large enough to be seen. The hair on both sides of my head is significantly thinner compared to my crown or the back. I've been to a dermatologist, who suggested I use Rogain (she recommended 2% but I've been using 5% for the past three months) and biotin. Since then I started taking biotin (5000mcg) once a day and I experienced a lot of shedding. I'm talking about approximately a month's worth of shedding in a week. Fortunately, the shedding stopped after a month but I can't help but think that I've lost some thickness from that ordeal.

All of these scalp issues make it difficult to style my hair to my liking, even though my hair is collarbone length. How can I get over these scalp issues? Any suggestions?

Hi AmyRose!

I don't have an answer to your question, but I'm sure someone here will be able to help you. I wanted to thank you for posting as i didn't know that Biotin could cause shedding. I've started taking biotin a couple of weeks ago. Could I ask you a question? You said your shedding stopped after a month. When it stopped, were you still taking the Biotin or did you have to stop taking Biotin for the shedding to stop?
There are threads about castor oil nourishing the scalp and stimulating growth. In fact there are people on here using it to grow their edges back. I thought there was a castor oil challenge around here too! I hope this helps a little. That's an interesting bit about Biotin. I used 5000mcg for 2 years and have nothing but praises for it.
I noticed that you are taking Rogain and Biotin. How are you certain that the shedding is from the Biotin? Most hair growth products come with a 4 to 6 week period of increased shedding, so I would expect it with Rogain. (You can find information on this in the fine print)

Also, I would suggest looking at the quality of the shed hair. I went through a similar episode and realized that the shed hair was mostly thin and sickly looking hair. Once I was rid of the majority of thin/sickly hair, thicker lush hair replaced it.
Biotin can give you acne if your water vitamin C ratio is off, but it does not cause hair shedding. Rogaine causes initial hair shedding, and shedding can increase when you discontinue it.
toufa: Hi! Thanks for answering. To answer your question, I'm still taking biotin (I've even upped my dosage from 5000mcg to 10000mcg) with no excess shedding. I never stopped taking it from the moment I've started it. :yep:

keyawarren: Thanks! I'll try to incorporate that more into my regimen. I've heard of other people shedding while taking biotin too...but I'm not dissatisfied with it. My hair has grown a lot since then, perhaps even at a faster rate, and my nails are really strong so I'm mostly happy with the results.

mzteaze: Thank you! I've attributed my shedding to biotin based on the amount. I only used Rogaine in specific parts of the scalp so I wouldn't expect shedding all around my head (or does it?) I'll check it again to be sure though.

Seamonster: Thank you :)