How to date when you're on the road 24/7/365?


Cosplay Champ
I'm working on the Marvel Universe Live tour, visiting a new city every week for the next 2 years. I'll have some vacation time next year and I'll probably go visit family and go to a comic con. But for the most part I'm living in hotels and seeing new faces every week.

I'm also single and happy with it for the most part, but occasionally I think about dating. The men in my department on this tour are 98% gay :lol: The few straight ones are either married, in a relationship or not remotely desirable in any way shape or form :nono: :lachen: I work in sales. I'm not sure why but the sales department attracts single gay men.

The show side (performers/cast and crew in the show) is different, has mostly straight guys. But the two sides don't interact much outside of 'hello, how are you' *nod, keep walking* in hallways at the arena and hotels. And occasionally we'll have a company party or gathering and everyone gets together for drinks and shenanigans :lol:

Recently one of my co-workers had a birthday party. She is dating one of the performers and so many of the cast and crew came. She invited everyone. It was another opportunity to meet more people and reconnect with folks we'd met briefly before. One fellow in particular seemed to take a shine to me :lol:

Part of me is hesitant to date at all because the old adage of never having relationships in the workplace comes to mind. If it doesn't work out you're stuck having to interact constantly with someone you may not want to see anymore.

Then again, this one in particular is a performer in the show so I don't see him that often and unless he makes a point to come by my area (he did once) we don't actually have to interact at work.

And then I think, if I do follow the idea that dating in the workplace is a no no, in my case I wouldn't be seeing anyone until 2016. :ohwell: Unless I meet someone who lives in one of the 28 states I'll be visiting and then have a long distance relationship. That may work for some people but I don't think I would be happy with that.

What would you do?
Nothing to do with ur question but you've always seemed like an interesting person to me :)
Reading about what you do for work, I'm like COOL!

That is all.
Go for it if he expresses interest and asks you out. If it works out, that would be fun. If it doesn't, like you said, you don't have to see him that often. Situations like this are the best ways to meet a guy IMO.
Take the time to get to know the guy that likes you. Who knows you may like him too. Lots of lasting relationships/marriages begin in the workplace. (I met dh at work :blush:)
Date like a man and don't even think twice.

Side note: I thought about you today when I bought these in red and blue :look: :lachen:
