How to braid?! What are those videos teaching you?! Advice


New Member
Hello ladies,

I wanted to get my hair braided in kinky twists this weekend, but the lady told me $200.00 because of the length of my hair. I dont know, I must be a hair anorexic, but it is not that long! Not armpit or bra strap! Anyways, so now I want to braid my own hair. My only problem is, how do you get the braids tight to the scalp? Even when I attempt to do it on my girls hair, the extension slips.

It seems that some of you have attempted to do your own hair with the help of a video, whats the secret?!! Anybody?

Thanks :)
Girl I wish I knew because even though I'm still learning I still don't know how to grip the base. I guess I have to continue to practice... I don't know what's wrong.
I had to learn on my own, but I still need more practice. The more I braid ppl's hair, the more I learn and the faster I braid. I got the Hair Lady's braid video from an LHCF member, but it taught me things I learned on my own through practice. (If you would like to buy it, pm me!)
TJD3 said:
bumping for more responses

You know the saying..."practice makes perfect". Just a matter of practice that really makes a difference. The hair video that really gives great instruction is Braids by Breslin. She is very informative and she goes SLOWLY so that you can see and practice the technique to perfection. You can order them from this site they are definately worth it!:)
rai said:
there used to be a free video under I can't get it to work anymore...

yeah.. everytime i try to save it, it saves as a web page. ROBIN LET US KNOW!!! :(
I am not sure. I just remember lots of people saying they had trouble getting this one after she made it available on her site.