How to be supportive


Guess who?
So like I said before me and boo boo are trying to work some kinks out in our relationship before we take that next step, and I'm trying to come up with ways that I can be more supportive to him as he goes through this challenging time at work. This is new to me, but I've come to realize that I'm not great in this area and I want to be better.

So what do you ladies do to show your support? I'm here to learn!
Tell him how proud you are of him
Ask if there is anything you can do to help
Ask if there is anything he wants to talk about
listen and be positive. always be encouraging. send him messages telling him good morning, have a great day, how is his day going, etc... buy his favorite snacks. give him back rubs, make your place inviting and comfortable, tell him how much he means to you and that you are proud of him.

it doesn't take much with men. they like to feel special and needed. that miss independent act will get a woman nowhere.