How to be happy???

How do you guys stay happy?
Does going to church and reading your bible makes you happy?
I understand it making you fulfilled...
When I hear a good word I feel... satisfied...
Happy? Not really...
In fact, I am usually the saddest after church...
And I work at my church... I know for a fact that my coworkers aren't happy...
In fact... I rarely ever see happy people... unless they are kids...
I understand God wants us to be happy... and He cares about the things that are bothering us...
But... how do you guys maintain happiness and have fun when we live in the world that we do? I feel like it isn't even possible sometimes...
Its like... when you go to church functions... its like... annoying to be around these people, because they are only smiling and talking to each other because they have to...
I hate that feeling, I want you to talk to me because you care and because I care
And then when I hang out with my heathen friends (LOL) its not fun because something is always about to happen...
When people are talking about being happy etc. they always say go do something... but then its like... What is the point??
I would much rather sew, read, or watch CSI, but then after I do those its like.... Whats the point?
again lol
What are you guys thoughts on these feelings... I know many of you have felt these before...