How to be happy???

How do you guys stay happy?
Does going to church and reading your bible makes you happy?
I understand it making you fulfilled...
When I hear a good word I feel... satisfied...
Happy? Not really...
In fact, I am usually the saddest after church...
And I work at my church... I know for a fact that my coworkers aren't happy...
In fact... I rarely ever see happy people... unless they are kids...
I understand God wants us to be happy... and He cares about the things that are bothering us...
But... how do you guys maintain happiness and have fun when we live in the world that we do? I feel like it isn't even possible sometimes...
Its like... when you go to church functions... its like... annoying to be around these people, because they are only smiling and talking to each other because they have to...
I hate that feeling, I want you to talk to me because you care and because I care
And then when I hang out with my heathen friends (LOL) its not fun because something is always about to happen...
When people are talking about being happy etc. they always say go do something... but then its like... What is the point??
I would much rather sew, read, or watch CSI, but then after I do those its like.... Whats the point?
again lol
What are you guys thoughts on these feelings... I know many of you have felt these before...
I use to feel all of these things too. All of them... but when I learned the real truth it all changed for me, I am more able to accept people where they are. I love being in church now. I use to watch the clock but now I stay until they shut the doors. which is usually close to sundown. I am excited about seeing jesus and being able to talk to God and it makes whatever I am going through worth it all. That is why i am happy. Plus I am learning so much, as soon as I think I got it all I find out something new. Put it this way. I am happy today. tomorrow will bring a new something but for today I am so excited just because we have today. I have tons to be happy about. ( the real truth I am struggling. I dont' even have food in the house today to prepare for my family, the gas is threaten to be turned off my water, my electric and my job is very iffy but so what) I still have a chance to share my faith and share what God has done for me and when he delivers me out of this mess I am in I will have even more reason to shout. three weeks ago I was doing very well and everything was good in my world and then just like that it all came crumbling down and i am still faithful. I also have a great church - I didn't even know how great until I sat down for lunch with them and realize I was missing so much in the fellowship by skipping lunch-- Its not the food its the people. We have a lot of elderly and they are wonderful I feel like I gained 6 grandmothers and one or two grandfathers full of wisdom and talk scripture all day long but encouraging scriptures. Which has inspired me to really know the scriptures to pull up one at a moments notice. Yes I have a lot to be happy about. I pray whatever is holding you back release you and you find the true joy that is in Christ. ( not to say I go around smiling and grinning all day, but I got something to look forward too happy.
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How do you guys stay happy?
Does going to church and reading your bible makes you happy?
I understand it making you fulfilled...
When I hear a good word I feel... satisfied...
Happy? Not really...
In fact, I am usually the saddest after church...
And I work at my church... I know for a fact that my coworkers aren't happy...
In fact... I rarely ever see happy people... unless they are kids...
I understand God wants us to be happy... and He cares about the things that are bothering us...
But... how do you guys maintain happiness and have fun when we live in the world that we do? I feel like it isn't even possible sometimes...
Its like... when you go to church functions... its like... annoying to be around these people, because they are only smiling and talking to each other because they have to...
I hate that feeling, I want you to talk to me because you care and because I care
And then when I hang out with my heathen friends (LOL) its not fun because something is always about to happen...
When people are talking about being happy etc. they always say go do something... but then its like... What is the point??
I would much rather sew, read, or watch CSI, but then after I do those its like.... Whats the point?
again lol
What are you guys thoughts on these feelings... I know many of you have felt these before...

I think the Lord has wired us so that we find our happiness in fellowship with Him and other believers. I don't always feel happy as in feeling like I have what I want, but as long as I keep in communion with the Lord, there is real joy there. I've had a lot of very unhappy times, but for me letting go of my pursuit "happiness" helped me to experience joy, since joy is about satisfaction and contentment in the knowledge that God is with you. I hope that makes sense.

I would say that God wants us to know and follow Him more than He wants us to be happy. I know that might sound odd, but the truth is that this world really is fallen and has a lot of pain in it and our true happiness isn't going to be found in this life. So we press through it in hope.
It seems like this is a spirit of 'depression'. And I do not mean this in a negative sense. Depression happens and it happens to the very best of us. It's a spirit of heaviness that won't seem to lift, no matter what one tries to do to surpass it.

I've been in some of the most unfortunate of circumstances and yet, still filled with joy and peace. Because my hope was in God and not upon myself or someone else or 'thing'.

May I share somethings that may help? I hope so. :yep:

Diet is key. Sugars, Caffeine and foods high in preservatives can contribute to a low mood. Foods like bananas, tomatoes, sweet potatoes have nutrients which will increase your seretonin levels.

Omega 3's (Fish oils, Flax Seek Oils, Cod Liver Oil, and Evening Primrose Oil) are excellent sources of nutrients to help level seretonin levels.

There could also be a hormonal imbalance and one natural way to help this is with Phytonutrients. (Plant nutrition).

Sea Greens are other natural ways to help fight depression. (Sea Kelp, Chlorella, Spirilina).

Barley and Wheat Grass are natural body cleansers and these too will help by ridding the body of many toxins.

Stress plays a major factor in depression. The vitamin B family (B3, B6, B12) are needed to combat the effects of stress.

See your doctor to have your thyroid checked and to check your blood levels to rule out Diabetes or other factors. Tell your doctor how you are feeling.

I just googled 'Natural Remedies' for Depression and a lot of what I've shared are in these articles.

The following website is one of my favorites for Natural Cures:

The home page for this website is, .

I'm not a doctor, and will never claim to be, but I've worked with those who have depression and the one thing I've learned is if you don't have to take medication, then don't. Allow your body to heal naturally. There's something about Cod Liver Oil that truly works wonders with depression. I still recommend seeing your doctor to rule out anything else which may be a contributing factor (s).

Is there anyone in your life that you are truly close to that you can trust with your feelings? You need positive people in your life.

I can also say that being surrounded with folks in the Arts and Entertainment, that the Sprit of Depression is paramount in that arena. Many people in the Arts/Entertainment are stressed/overworked/fearful due to the high expectations demanded of them and the compettion and lack of dependability on goals attained.

You have to be 'prayed up' to be around this on a daily basis. It's a spirit that seeks out those whom it may devour.

I have you in prayer. Depression is no joke. It brings a person down, no matter what they have in their life to be happy about.

It's a spirit that attacks the body and the mind (soulish realm). But it's not untreatable neither unbeatable. It's a defeated foe, which Jesus nailed to the Cross and you will come out of this, in Jesus' Name. Amen!

Hope this helps even to know that you are being prayed for from the heart. :yep:
I no longer focus on being happy. Happiness depends on happenings. Instead, I try to focus on the spirit of joy God has given me.
There are good days and there are bad days, but through it all, under the surface of my conditional emotions (happiness, sadness, irritation, etc.), I have peace.
I just thought about an epiphany I experienced last year when I felt like this. I was in a hurry, stuck in the "fast lane" in bumper to bumper traffic. I was so irritated that I thought about blowing my horn, but I realized that would be pointless (because NO ONE WAS GOING ANYWHERE ANYTIME SOON). After I acknowledged that I couldn't control the movement, I calmed down and relaxed.
At that moment, it occurred to me that the same principle applies to my life. My control over the "movement" in my life is limited. (Limited, not non-existent. Faith w/o works is dead)
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

God's plan for my life will include seasons of happiness and sadness, but I know He has and He will take care of me.

*** IMO It also helps to avoid focusing on material things.
I think the Lord has wired us so that we find our happiness in fellowship with Him and other believers. I don't always feel happy as in feeling like I have what I want, but as long as I keep in communion with the Lord, there is real joy there. I've had a lot of very unhappy times, but for me letting go of my pursuit "happiness" helped me to experience joy, since joy is about satisfaction and contentment in the knowledge that God is with you. I hope that makes sense.

I would say that God wants us to know and follow Him more than He wants us to be happy. I know that might sound odd, but the truth is that this world really is fallen and has a lot of pain in it and our true happiness isn't going to be found in this life. So we press through it in hope.

I think this is the key. Happiness is a fleeting emotion that comes and goes but joy remains in us when we stay in constant prayer, seek Him and have a relationship with God. That's what I am learning. :yep:

Now, I can't wait to fellowship with the Lord. It's something I yearn and that's where my joy comes from. :yep: I would've never thought that though before but when I was joyless and unhappy I would ask God to please bring joy/happiness in my life..He said to "seek me" and that's what I"m doing.

John 16:33 says "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

I forgot to mention, gratitude as another member mentioned is sooo important. Being thankful in every and any situation takes you a long way.
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My thoughts have already been posted but the key word for me is not happiness :nono: Happiness can come and go but JOY is eternal. I have been through alot and would depend on others for my happiness. I wanted to experience life at a "10" everday, I wanted everything to be perfect. But God's love is perfect and He gives me a peace that the world can't take away. Everyday is not perfect for me, I have my highs and lows. Today is one of those days where I am feeling a bit low but I am still at peace. My heart and mind is at peace because these feelings will pass and I know that God loves me and is faithful and true.

I am also learning to attend church for me! I don't concern myself with the ways of others. If there are people that want to put on a facade -that's fine! I am not at church for those people. I attend because I love God and his Word.

As I get older I realize that life isn't all glamorous and can be quite boring at times. But I cherish every moment that I have here on earth. This life isn't promised and I refuse to live it without the joy that God has promised me.

Every morning, I recite this verse Psalm 118:24 - "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." (NIV). I make it my personal daily mission to rejoice in every day that God gives me. Sometimes I am successful - other times I am not but I know where my Joy and strength comes from.

OP, I read your blog along with today's post. You are in my prayers, give your emotions and FULLY to Him and HE will fill the emptiness that you have on the inside.
I dont focus on happiness. Rather contentment and gratitude. I only find contentment in fellowship with God. Reading, praying, listening to my favorite ministers....

Gratitude takes you a long way. It changes the way you view everything. Instead of focusing on what he/she did to you, what you dont have, what you're not doing, etc...Be grateful to God for all that you do have and how much he's blessed you (even though you dont deserve it) and watch God do a work in you.

Another thing that really helps me is fellowship with other like minded Christian women and men. This changed my walk with God and my personal self-esteem for real.

I understand God wants us to be happy... and He cares about the things that are bothering us...
But... how do you guys maintain happiness and have fun when we live in the world that we do? I feel like it isn't even possible sometimes...

I know. But G-d realizes that we are not going to feel happy each and every single second. If we never experience the bad in life, we won't know how to recognize the good when it comes along. Suffering is possibly the greatest gift G-d gives us.
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When I left my old church and joined the church where I am now about 5 years ago, I tried to bond with other members and it was not happening. People, not just christians, act funny. You know what I'm saying. So I said that to say this, find someone who you are equally yoked with.

I no longer waste my time trying to bond with people who could really careless about what I'm feeling or going through. You want to surround yourself with people who are geniune and have a general love for others.
I'm soooo glad you took the time to write that..when we add our Natural to the Super (God), we'll always get Supernatural results....

God bless you, Shimmie.



It seems like this is a spirit of 'depression'. And I do not mean this in a negative sense. Depression happens and it happens to the very best of us. It's a spirit of heaviness that won't seem to lift, no matter what one tries to do to surpass it.

I've been in some of the most unfortunate of circumstances and yet, still filled with joy and peace. Because my hope was in God and not upon myself or someone else or 'thing'.

May I share somethings that may help? I hope so. :yep:

Diet is key. Sugars, Caffeine and foods high in preservatives can contribute to a low mood. Foods like bananas, tomatoes, sweet potatoes have nutrients which will increase your seretonin levels.

Omega 3's (Fish oils, Flax Seek Oils, Cod Liver Oil, and Evening Primrose Oil) are excellent sources of nutrients to help level seretonin levels.

There could also be a hormonal imbalance and one natural way to help this is with Phytonutrients. (Plant nutrition).

Sea Greens are other natural ways to help fight depression. (Sea Kelp, Chlorella, Spirilina).

Barley and Wheat Grass are natural body cleansers and these too will help by ridding the body of many toxins.

Stress plays a major factor in depression. The vitamin B family (B3, B6, B12) are needed to combat the effects of stress.

See your doctor to have your thyroid checked and to check your blood levels to rule out Diabetes or other factors. Tell your doctor how you are feeling.

I just googled 'Natural Remedies' for Depression and a lot of what I've shared are in these articles.

The following website is one of my favorites for Natural Cures:

The home page for this website is, .

I'm not a doctor, and will never claim to be, but I've worked with those who have depression and the one thing I've learned is if you don't have to take medication, then don't. Allow your body to heal naturally. There's something about Cod Liver Oil that truly works wonders with depression. I still recommend seeing your doctor to rule out anything else which may be a contributing factor (s).

Is there anyone in your life that you are truly close to that you can trust with your feelings? You need positive people in your life.

I can also say that being surrounded with folks in the Arts and Entertainment, that the Sprit of Depression is paramount in that arena. Many people in the Arts/Entertainment are stressed/overworked/fearful due to the high expectations demanded of them and the compettion and lack of dependability on goals attained.

You have to be 'prayed up' to be around this on a daily basis. It's a spirit that seeks out those whom it may devour.

I have you in prayer. Depression is no joke. It brings a person down, no matter what they have in their life to be happy about.

It's a spirit that attacks the body and the mind (soulish realm). But it's not untreatable neither unbeatable. It's a defeated foe, which Jesus nailed to the Cross and you will come out of this, in Jesus' Name. Amen!

Hope this helps even to know that you are being prayed for from the heart. :yep:
I'm soooo glad you took the time to write that..when we add our Natural to the Super (God), we'll always get Supernatural results....

God bless you, Shimmie.


God bless you, Precious Laela, as well. I just hope it helps. I sense so strongly that it is a spirit of heaviness (depression).

I've learned that both Diet and Prayer go hand in hand more often than not with this. It's one of the reasons 'Fasting' and Prayer, work so powerfully. I just pray God's best for whatever the reason has caused her unhappiness. :rosebud:
Hello Music-bnatural-smile,
You have already received so much good information here from several of the ladies. I wanted to add my "2 cents":yep:. First of all yes, I have felt the same way that you have on numerous occassions. In fact it has been within the last 18 months I'd say that I asked our dear Heavenly Father to help me understand why I felt some of the things I was feeling. What I have learned is this, there is a definite difference between joy (which endures and is not dependent on circumstances) and happiness (which can be fleeting and fickle). Like there are true differences between wisdom and knowledge or wealth and riches. The first things are to be desired over the latter ones and come directly as a result of our personally invested relationships with God. So, I had those feelings and even though I didn't know where exactly to go I do know that the answers to everything we need can be found in the bible. That's where I turned. One of the first scriptures I found was Phil. 4:12- I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want.Another scripture I found very helpful was 1 Sam. 30:6 David was now in great danger because all his men were very bitter about losing their sons and daughters, and they began to talk of stoning him. But{I just love God and his 'buts'} David found strength{Neh. 8-the joy of the Lord is our strength} in the LORD his God.
Do you know that when Paul wrote that in Phil. he was believed to be standing knee deep in human sewage?! :barf: I also read the entire book of Job. Now, what you feel is real but none of us has gone through circumstances as harsh as those of our biblical examples or our ancestors :nono:. You are a musician. I am a praiser and a worshipper. Along with prayer, fasting, taking care of your physical needs, you need some good music. I would imagine you enjoy a plethora of music. Here are a few I listen to or sing etc when I need to be uplifted. Encourage yourself- Donald Lawrence & the Tri- city singers, Great Things- CAJO family, Praise Him in advance- Marvin Sapp, This joy I have- Shirley Caesar. Just to name a few. These may be to your liking maybe not but you get the idea :grin:. God wants us to respond to this world's problems like palm trees in a storm. You've seen hurricane footage? Watched palm trees being battered and bending so low the tops touch the ground but, when the storm ends they spring right back up. God loves you. He wants you to be full of joy. Continue your journey for knowledge of how to get there. He will show you as you seek Him. Psa 30:5- "... weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.":heart2:
Things that make me happy and that I try to do though I am learning everyday:

1) Not seeking self in what I do but instead seeking God's will
2) Raising everything I do to God ie doing everything for the glory of God.

This means that I know I have been put on this earth for a purpose and by living my life to the full and in accordance to God's will, I am giving glory to God.
When I live through situations - good or bad - with the attitude of a believer, a child of God, then I am giving glory to Him.
Doing the best I can do but also learning to accept the things that sometimes God lets happen to us knowing that His plan is the best plan, even when I don't know fully what that plan is.

And knowing that this is just the journey... full happiness is in heaven.
In the word of Augustine "You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You."

Colossians 3:17 Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.
1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.