How to apply relaxers correctly


New Member
I would just like to find out if it is right for a hair stylist to comb the relaxer cream through your regrowth.
Don't get me wrong I know that they shouldn't comb the relaxer all through your hair (eg from root to tip) unless you have all virgin hair.

You see I have read shambosie's book and he insists that the relaxer should be applied to the regrowth and sit there until it has straightened the hair.My stylist says that the relaxer wouldn't take properly and she says that she has never been asked to do it this way before.

I have fine 4b hair which has been prone to breakage ,I think the volume of my hair is ok.That is why I like the idea of not combing the creme through as less hair comes out during the relaxer process.
I swear:mad:, the next time I go to the Hairdresser ( Hopefully Never) and they tell me they are not doing something I ask them to do, I am going to ask them to pay for the service if I am not satisfied. What the heck is the matter with these people?

If your stylist absolutly feels the need to smooth the newgrowth, he/she can do so with the back of the comb and/or with their fingers! There is no need to drag the comb teeth through the scalp, where the pores are already WIDE open and just WAITING to be burnt out!:perplexed
It's not neccesary that the stylist comb the relaxer through the new growth, though some do. It all depends on your hair and what it can take and what effect you want to have on your hair.

chase said:
I would just like to find out if it is right for a hair stylist to comb the relaxer cream through your regrowth.
Don't get me wrong I know that they shouldn't comb the relaxer all through your hair (eg from root to tip) unless you have all virgin hair.

You see I have read shambosie's book and he insists that the relaxer should be applied to the regrowth and sit there until it has straightened the hair.My stylist says that the relaxer wouldn't take properly and she says that she has never been asked to do it this way before.

I have fine 4b hair which has been prone to breakage ,I think the volume of my hair is ok.That is why I like the idea of not combing the creme through as less hair comes out during the relaxer process.
I agree with Shamboosie. Let the relaxer do its job, it does not need to be aided in that way [comb-through].
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