How to advise without offending


Well-Known Member
My sister was just complaining on the phone about how her hair is so brittle and dry that she is going to have to cut off most.This usually happens to her every few months.She hasnt discovered hair boards and doesnt know how to take care of her hair.For eg,she uses a rinse as a deep conditioner and she would use a strong protein treatment every time she washed and wonder why her hair was so dry

I have tried to advise her in the past but she would usually get offended or say "Who made you a hairdresser?"
Does anyone know how to give helpful advice without offending or should I only advise when she asks for it?
Maybe you could try to introduce it to her like you had learned it for yourself. You could say something like "I was wondering why my hair did this but I learned this..."

Just a thought?
Katie, how about introducing LHCF to her. You could email the link to the Hair Discussion Forum to her and just rave about it. You don't have to tell her that she will find the answer to "her problem" here. Just mention it as an interesting website, so she doesn't get all defensive. Maybe curiosity will get the better of her and she'll come a-visiting and get hooked. Or if you're afraid she'll see this thread and smack you upside your head
, you could point her to instead. The FAQ page on Cathy's site is full of very good info. (You have to click on a question to see the answer; took me a while to figure that out.)
Yup, I mention the forum casually whenever hair troubles come up in conversation with my sisters and friends. No pressure, and it's totally their prerogative to bite the bait or not.