How thick is too thick?


New Member
I LUV me some thick hair...I do not think that hair can be too thick. I have heard "cousin it"...why do some people use that statement re: hair...If your hair is long as you would like it to be would you set a limitation on how thick you would want it to be? In other words, some say that their hair can grow as long as it wants you feel the same way about it getting as thick as it wants to be...well what do you ladies think...
I love thick hair because thats all I am used to growing out my scalp. When I was little my siblings, cousins, etc had everyname for me from Chaka Khan to Diana Ross but they were haters lol

I say it's your hair if its thick its thick and if it is love it
My hair is thick, dense, and very kinky. I don't want it any thicker than it is now, but I'd really like to gain some length as quickly as possible so I can cut out the rest of my relaxed hair. So I am using Surge to do that.

Generally, I stay away from products that thicken hair. My hair is pretty wild and unruly IMO and to top it off it is hypersensitive to humidity. I've refused to go to salons for the past 10 years because none of the girls there seemed to know how to deal with it either. They would leave relaxers in too long and over process it and loved cutting it.
In the past I used to hate having thick hair, now i absolutely love it. I think having thick hair is such a blessing now. As far as wanting even thicker hair than i have now thanks.
Growing up my hair was thin and long....after relaxing and using a "curl" for years...I am now natural and I have very thick hair. If I had a choice I would rather it get longer and not get any thicker. I day I am going be swallowed by my 'fro.
Growing up my hair was thin and long....after relaxing and using a "curl" for years...I am now natural and I have very thick hair. If I had a choice I would rather it get longer and not get any thicker. I day I am going be swallowed by my 'fro.
I used the cousin It reference in a post earlier today but it was a good thing!
I always thought of my hair as thick. But, once my hair is straightened, it seems thin. So, if I could have managable cousin It hair, I would be a happy camper. I like that thickness, but I also want to be able to take care of it myself without a team of stylists that I can not afford on a weekly basis!

Hopefully, once my hair gets to goal length from my crown, then it will appear thick even when straightened. Now, that would be ideal! I am closer to figuring out how to tame my mane, so by the time I'm waist or even tailbone length, I will have managable cousin It hair and I WILL post pics!
babyblue said:
In the past I used to hate having thick hair, now i absolutely love it. I think having thick hair is such a blessing now. As far as wanting even thicker hair than i have now thanks.

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I love thick hair and appreciate every strand on my head. My personal fear is that my hair will get thinner as I get older.....
I think it can definitely be too thick. My friend used to get her hair thinned out, and people would STILL always comment on how thick it was. I am happy with my hair for the most part, but I wish it were not so thick. When I envision what my goal hair looks like, I know my hair will never look that way because it's too thick. I like hair that lays flat. My hair NEVER lays flat
. On the other hand, NGC makes a good point...the thicker the hair, the less worries about it thinning with age. *shrugs*
Yes, hair does tend to thin as you age, at least in my family. My grandmother, mother, aunts all had thick thick hair. Even my aunt with the thickest hair had lots of thinning as she reached her 70's. If they had thin hair to start with, it would have been really bad.
babyblue said:
In the past I used to hate having thick hair, now i absolutely love it. I think having thick hair is such a blessing now. As far as wanting even thicker hair than i have now thanks.

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When I was in elementary school some girls said they wish they're hair was thick like mine. My response was always "no! no u don't!" lol but now I actually like it now. I wouldn't want it any thicker though
NubianAngel said:
I think thick hair is truly a blessing. Too me, there is no such thing as too thick. It is gorgeous and has character.

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My hair is as thick as the little girl in Sassygirl's signature --- except it's mostly relaxed, transitioning hair. No joke.

It's always been difficult to style, much less detangle this hair of mine. (Last shower-detangling session took 4 hours....) The more and more I stretch my relaxer the larger it gets. I personally don't have a problem with this but many stylists do. When I had my relaxer last Thanksgiving, the stylists used 3 relaxer kits after only 3 months of new growth.
The main problem is convincing stylists that my hair is thicker than they're used to, and I usually get charged much higher after they've started working on my hair. Recently a braider left my hair unfinished, saying quote"It's too thick. You can do the rest yourself".

This reminds me of flipping through my mother's album. When she was natural, her hair was at least twice as thick as mine......scary. Something to look forward to.

Is it too thick? Too thick for me to deal with at least! But I wouldn't have it thinner (the last sylist tried to do me a "favor" by thinning it out for me). But it's really difficult to find a stylist who can do my hair without sighing, whining about her rent, and complaining that I shouldn't have all this hair to begin with.
blkbeauty said:
babyblue, I love you hair, you are truly an inspiration. How long have you been natural?

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thank you. I transitioned for 2 years and fully natural for 3. so depending on your definition of natural, if i include the transition i would say 5 years.
babyblue said:
In the past I used to hate having thick hair, now i absolutely love it. I think having thick hair is such a blessing now. As far as wanting even thicker hair than i have now thanks.

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D I T T O !

I definitely don't want my hair any thicker than it is now.
i have to admit i was surprised at how wide, big and thick my hair was after "flat" ironing on medium with my ceramic HAI - my hair is truly very very thick.

anyway, i absolutely adore thick hair - it is the definition of abundance. thick hair is more abundant!
I know what you mean. I love my thick hair but sometimes to work with it can be so frustrating, If i could find away to airdry it faster and to make it more manageable I'd be set. For a while one side was thicker and when the weak side got back to normal I did have a better appreciation for thick hair again.
I think thick hair is beautiful too. I saw these two little black girls ( I think they were Ethiopian) at the mall last weekend with the thickest hair I've ever seen! It was "out" and down to their waists! I wish I'd had a camera. One had what looked like pressed hair and her sister was all-natural. Sometimes I wish my hair was thicker so I could wear twists or two fat braids. But then when comb-out time times I'm happy with what I've got. I'm spoiled from being able to detangle my hair in about 60 seconds-- a compensation for those of us less-than-thick ladies.