How the heck do you relax half yor head and do the other half later?


Well-Known Member
I heard some girls say they do the half method, how do you do that without getting the other half wet, I just did my one half and my other half is soaked so have to blow dry and do do the other half. I know I messed up when I did the back first but even if I did the front the back would of ended p wet, how do you do this?!
It doesn't make sense to me either, which is why I just relax my whole head at one time. It shouldn't be that hard for anyone to do, unless your head is just huge. :lol: Even with longer hair you shouldn't be relaxing anything but your new growth, so that shouldn't effect application time.
I get the whole aspect of it but its difficult to do, I'm watching YouTube and this lady relax right side and then left so that both can get enough time to process but the other half ends up wet anyways
For me... The half/half method is when I relax both halves. Then, immediately after the second half is done, I only rinse out the other half while letting the last half work. I'm texlaxed, though. I'm not sure of this method is ideal for bone laxed ladies.

I actually just did this method yesterday after a nearly 18 week stretch. I'm very happy with the results.

I agree... rinsing out one half before relaxing the doesn't make sense. Even if you don't soak the other side, your scalp will perspire.
I do not feel like this being a all day process, waiting on SO to come back with a blow dryer, he is pissed because I'm pissed about my hair, the bath feels nice tho, I think next time I'm going to a salon because this is stressful, he even said it, I always start going off about my darn hair, I said I was going to the salon and get it cut in a short hairdo and he said yeah right, apart of me was serious tho but I do like length
This half method makes no sense. If you are concerned about your processing time you part your hair in quarters. Apply the relaxer to clockwise. When you finish the application, you rinse the 1st quarter and the 2nd quarter (1 half head). While you are doing that, the 3rd and 4th quarter is still processing. As soon as you finish rinsing the 1st half just turn your head and rinse the 2nd half. Now all the relaxer is rinsed out. Apply the neutralizing shampoo and finish.
This half method makes no sense. If you are concerned about your processing time you part your hair in quarters. Apply the relaxer to clockwise. When you finish the application, you rinse the 1st quarter and the 2nd quarter (1 half head). While you are doing that, the 3rd and 4th quarter is still processing. As soon as you finish rinsing the 1st half just turn your head and rinse the 2nd half. Now all the relaxer is rinsed out. Apply the neutralizing shampoo and finish.

sounds so simple..
i never understood this either. I know i heard of ladies putting a shower cap on one side but i still dont see how that would prevent it from getting wet.
I do this, it's not hard at all. I haven't learned how to relax my whole head in a time that pleases me yet without overprocessing. I'd rather be safe than sorry, I make sure I have nothing but time when I'm relaxing my hair. I do front and back, not side by side.
You relax the first half, which is the front section of the hair. Rinse it out in the sink w the attachment and that prevents the hair from getting wet.

Relax the back section and rinse it in the sink or shower. It's really not that complicated.
I've done this once but did front half over the sink first. I put a plastic cap over the back, held that down with hair pins. I pierced the plastic baggie with the hairpins about half inch behind the edge of the baggie and then put on an Rosario head band to keep it on tight. The hairpins behind the head band kept the band from sloping backwards (hope that makes sense). Using the sprayer from the sink and the gravity in leaning forward, the back didn't get wet.

When i was done with everything on the front ) protein mid step and neutralizing) i coated the front in conditioner and oil and put it up.

I then processed the back in the shower, holding my head backwards. After everything was done, I rinsed and then DC it all together. It worked fine. I had stretched for over 6 months and had to tackle it in sections. I just never understood how right and left side could be done easily so i went with front and back.
It doesn't make sense to me either, which is why I just relax my whole head at one time. It shouldn't be that hard for anyone to do, unless your head is just huge. :lol: Even with longer hair you shouldn't be relaxing anything but your new growth, so that shouldn't effect application time.

My sentiments exactly:yep:
I can't do it either. But other ladies are very successful. Youtube againstallodds. I think that's how she does it all the time.
Well so far my results feels great, it makes sense to do it because if you doing it for a whole twenty minutes and it takes 10 minutes to do half and ten minutes to do the other half then in reality one half got twenty and the then the other half has only ten minutes so one half will be under processed compared to the other side, but I know will have a problem with not getting it wet, I had to blow dry and then do my front and I didn't have a sprayer so will be purchasing one for next time, it makes better sense with the sprayer even tho I sure some water will still touch the other half and I tried to pin the cap down but it slid and water got I'm the cap and it was soaked
You relax the first half, which is the front section of the hair. Rinse it out in the sink w the attachment and that prevents the hair from getting wet.

Relax the back section and rinse it in the sink or shower. It's really not that complicated.

This is exactly what I do:yep:.
I thought about doing this, but I opted to just pre-section my entire head instead. It's time-consuming, but I'm able to safely relax my whole head quickly within the processing time guidelines.

Kudos to the ladies who make this method work for them! :)

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This half method makes no sense. If you are concerned about your processing time you part your hair in quarters. Apply the relaxer to clockwise. When you finish the application, you rinse the 1st quarter and the 2nd quarter (1 half head). While you are doing that, the 3rd and 4th quarter is still processing. As soon as you finish rinsing the 1st half just turn your head and rinse the 2nd half. Now all the relaxer is rinsed out. Apply the neutralizing shampoo and finish.

This is how I do my relaxer. I just relaxed this morning and I always rinse each quarter out separately, rinsing the quarter I relaxed first....first, if that makes sense. I even make a note each relaxer of which quarter in the back I relaxed first. That way I switch it up. This works for me.
It doesn't make sense to me either, which is why I just relax my whole head at one time. It shouldn't be that hard for anyone to do, unless your head is just huge. :lol: Even with longer hair you shouldn't be relaxing anything but your new growth, so that shouldn't effect application time.

First of all, my head is not huge. Just the "fore" section thank-you-very-much. :hammer:


I started doing the half method because I stretch a long time, so one side is a lot of new growth to get through. I've tried to do my whole head at once but I would run out of time. I tend to stretch for 16 weeks and that's a lot to get through since I have to break my hair down into very small sections. Plus my hair is texlaxed, I need less smoothing time but I have to be careful that I don't overlap.

I use a shower cap held by a few bobby pins and another cap over that to keep one side dry. I also rinse the newly processes side with my detachable shower head, yet I've only had that for about half a year so I got by fine without it. I've seen some ladies on YT do one side early and the other side a few hours later if the unprocessed side got a little wet somehow. I don't have time for all of that, so I just be as careful as I can during the rinse and be sure to carefully base my scalp.

After rinsing, doing my one minute protein treatment, and neutralizing a few times; I'll cover the texlaxed side in my neutralizing shampoo while I work on the other side.
Member againstallodds does the half/half relaxer method, she just made WL this month. Her blog gives very specific and step by step instructions on how she does it. She even has a video, I know she covers the half she isn't working on with a plastic processing cap but she pre-places metal hair clips along the part and clip the bag in place. She has it down to a science. You should really check it out, I've even been toying with the idea of self-relaxing because of her. One day I'll muster the nerve ;-).

Congrats to me! This marks my 1,000th post since joining 6/12/11!!
I could not figure it out either so i just relaxed in one shot. it took me a few tries but i eventually got it.
KiWiStyle and pre_medicalrulz are right (hi ladies!) I relax using the half and half method. It's really important to use plastic caps that have fresh, tight elastic bands and place clips (I use the clips I roller set my hair with, the ones that sit flush against the rollers when you push them in) along the part so that they keep the elastic bands from moving.

Here is the video of how I self-relax. At 0:47 I explain/show how I place the clips and the caps
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I heard some girls say they do the half method, how do you do that without getting the other half wet, I just did my one half and my other half is soaked so have to blow dry and do do the other half. I know I messed up when I did the back first but even if I did the front the back would of ended p wet, how do you do this?!

Thank you!!!! I was wondering myself. The logistics of not getting the other half wet when you rinse one half simpply boggles the mind. :perplexed :spinning:

But I don't strain my brain trying to figure it out. I can apply my relaxer pretty fast so I have no issues doing my whole head..... :yep:
I just cover the parts I'm not doing with a plastic might get a little damp, but its never been soaked...I make sure to put plenty of clips to hold down the plastic caps.
I think it's difficult is you have very thick hair to keep within the processing time. I have up to 5 hairs for each follicle. Mine is short right now, but when it's long again, I'm going to have this problem again. I have given up going "natural" for relaxed hair. It's the easiest for me.
i love half/half method. i have a lot of hair and trying to relax all at once for me is a pain. i like bone straight so i go back over smoothing and smoothing. i do back half first. get in shower and take handheld shower head and rinse just the back. front is secure under plastic and bobby pins. then leave neutralizer in while relaxing other half. very simple