how strong is phytospecific II?


Well-Known Member
Hey lovely ladies

I usually use phyto I cause I used to texturised my hair. But now I'm wanting to go proper relaxed and will therefore be using the stronger relaxer.

I however don't know how much stronger it is to the weaker one. I find phyto I to be extremely mild so wondering if II is just stronger than I but weaker than regular relaxers?

My hair is about 70-80% relaxed how long do you think I should leave the relaxer on for?

Was thinkin 25mins for NG and 15mins for length of the hair.

What you all think?

You know, I've been wondering this myself. I like the extra texture/thickness I get with Phyto I, but I'm wondering if I can go back to bone straight with Phyto II....I know Taz uses Phyto II - maybe she can chime in.
Thanks for the reply ShiShiPooPoo

Anybody else? I know there's lots of ladies here who have used phyto!
Phyto II is significantly stronger than Phyto I. I remember I tried Phyto I and left it on for about 25 minutes and my hair hardly changed!

Phyto II gets my hair straight quickly even though I mix all kinds of goodies into it and I only leave it in for15 minutes.

I think that 25 minutes for the new growth may be too long especially if you have been using Phyto I/texlaxing. I would do a patch test and leave it in for 15 minutes and go from there.
^^^ Hi Taz when you say your hair hadly changed after 25 mins, do you mean that it did not loosen your hair texture or reduce shrinkage at all? The reason I ask is that my Neice is thinking of switching up to Phyto I for Texlaxing (surrently uses Soft and Beautiful). Also was that with smoothing/ back combing or just leaving it on ?

I remember using Phyto I once and having a very similar experience. I do not understand why Phyto do not do a mid level 1.5 or something? :ohwell: