How straight should my hair be after a relaxer?


New Member
<font color="purple"> I would really appreciate you guys help on this.

Three days ago I went for a touchup at a new salon, my last touch-up was about 4 months ago and I had about an inch and a half of new growth. The touchup was terrible, they used Affirm's lye relaxer, but did not base my scalp much and I ended up getting burned, plus the heavy handed assistant almost ripped out all my hair during the wash and lied to me about how much hair was lost due to her combing thru it like a weedwacker!

To make a long story short she ended up having to rinse out the relaxer sooner than she was supposed to because the burning was unbearable! Due to the care I took of my hair before the touchup (thanks to all you guys great advice) my hair came out looking healthy and much longer than when I went in, however I washed my hair today and I noticed that the roots aren't kinky, but definitely look curly, if I rollerset they straighten out easily, but I was just curious how straight do most of you prefer the relaxer to get your hair?
I wear my hair straight most of the time and I'm trying to figure out whether it's better for my hair to have this much curl left or if it's underprocessed?

Thanks in advance!</font>
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however I washed my hair today and I noticed that the roots aren't kinky, but definitely look curly, if I rollerset they straighten out easily,

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I don't relax my hair completely straight. I actually prefer it to look this way. As you stated, it easily straightens out. Your hair still has some elasticity, some life, left to it. This isn't a bad thing at all. However, you shoulda made that stylist base your poor little scalp. Make sure you take extra good care of your scalp in the meantime while it heals.
This is true, I got a relaxer a few weeks ago and it was sooohhhhh straight until my last shampoo on Saturday. I couldn't stand it...It was so fragile and weak...I will specifically ask that they never do that to me again..

Carefully treat your scalp as Caramela has said and perhaps you could base your scalp yourself before going to the salon (I do this) and really deep condition your hair.
I too don't like it completely bone straight either. I also read somewhere that you should relax your hair bone straight but it should be relaxed 80% or something like that. If you do rollersets you won't be able to tell. In the meantime as stated before take care of your injured scalp.
Re: How straight should my hair be after a relaxer

<font color="purple"> CarmenRose, Honi and Caramela,

Thanks you guys for the reminder to take care of my scalp.
My scalp burned for one whole day after the touchup so I have been applying castor oil and Vit. E, plus she forgot to turn the dryer on and left me sitting under it for half an hour, I thought she wanted to give my scalp time to calm down! Anyway, I washed and wrapped last night and I am now sure that it is underprocessed because while certain parts are nice and wavy, but not too straight the roots in other areas are kinky and hard to comb!

I'm really pissed, my next touchup I may ask that my new stylist slightly overlap in certain areas where there is obviously underprocessed hair because some of this is really hard to comb
I too just had a relaxer touch-up(Affirm) three days ago and my hair always comes out super straight and glossy. And it's been like this since I began getting relaxers. And Ive always been going to the the same hairdresser for a relaxer, and since Ive never had any damage, I dont question her. Even though my hair comes out super straight, I never experience breakage, she always follows up with Affirm 5 in 1 reconstructor. And then everyone thinks I have a weave in my hair after a fresh relaxer, my hair ends up looking like Asian hair. Although I would prefer some elasticity, but that comes right back the week after my relaxer when I wash my hair.
........Anyway I still have yet to know exactly what underprocessed and overprocessed is, I mean I really wouldn't even know.
Re: How straight should my hair be after a relaxer

<font color="purple">Brownie,

I like my hair to be a little wavy after a touchup too, but unfortunately I'm experiencing a little breakage now because the newly relaxed hair is considerably kinkier than the rest of my hair so it's snapping right at the meeting point.
Edited: Thanks you guys for your advice!! I've decided to deal with the underprocessed hair until my next touchup and at that time I'll just explain to my stylist that my last touchup was underprocessed and deal with it then. </font>
Re: How straight should my hair be after a relaxer

I may be the queen of underprocessing! Its really riculous with me. I WOULD LIKE my hair to have a bit of elasticity left but minus the unrelaxed looked. I'm thinking my problem is not so much underprocessing anymore, but porosity. My hair never really looks straight like it used to (but then again it was OVEr processed big time) but i secretly desire that look.
I'm actually not "technically" underprocessed anymore, my last relaxer took pretty well, but there are still a few areas that need to be smoothed out. Its nothing alarming and it can wait another 7-8 weeks. My biggest beef is that i feel i'm damaging my hair whenever i try to get a salon straight look, its like it defeats the purpose of having a relaxer if it takes all that additional heat to achieve what i should get from a roller set
its quite frustrating.
Re: How straight should my hair be after a relaxer

<font color="purple"> Beana,

I know how you feel, it's really frustrating to have to use heat to get what I used to get normally, I look forward to my next touchup. I was going to have it retouched in about 2 weeks, but I decided not to after reading some of your older posts, they were very helpful!
I'm going for my highlights to be retouched in about a week, I only get them done twice a year and I'll just be patient with the underprocessed hair in the meantime. I've found Wild Growth oil really helps keep my hair very soft and shiny, especially the unruly sections.</font>
Re: How straight should my hair be after a relaxer

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
EmeraldSky said:
<font color="purple"> Beana,

I've found Wild Growth oil really helps keep my hair very soft and shiny. </font>

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yes...........wildgrowth hair oil is awesome. Thats the only moisturzer I use, my hair really is nurtured because of it. I find that it works really well by first applying it with your hands, then take a paddle brush and brush through your hair a few times.
Re: How straight should my hair be after a relaxer

thanks to u both
I love WGO, but i stopped using it for a while b/c of its smell. I will definetely repurchase it as i've run out of daily moisturizers. Right now i'm using Africa's Best leave in hair mayo on dry hair to style it, its pretty good too. I didn't like it as a leave in, but its works better in this way for me. But like i said before, nothing has ever come close to WGO!