How soon to wash/conditoner after relaxer?


New Member
Hello Ladies!

I had my hair relaxed and colored yesterday with good results. I'm
thrilled because my last relaxer was disasterous. I lost half my hair
after a stylist applied a relaxer to my hair and either did not neutralize,
or left it on too long-or both December 2, 2006.

Anyway, I found a new stylist who relaxed my hair with Vitale in
a mild strength and only relaxed my hair to only 80 percent. She
then used Bigen hair color to cover my grays with no adverse
skin reaction. Finally, she gave me an Aphrogee protein treatment
since I'd had so much shedding since the last relaxer. Oh, and
I had her cut off all of the thin scraggaly (sp?) ends, which left
my hair looking much, much healthier. Yahoo! I guess this is
my first BC. It's amazing how much better my hair looks after
cutting off two inches. My hair is now a short bob that is about
an inch from my shoulders.

My only concern is that she did not do a deep conditoner on my
hair following the protein treatment. Frankly, after sitting in that
salon for so long, I did not have the time to add another step.

So my question is: Can I do a deep conditoner on my hair after
24 hours of my relaxer? Also, the Bigen hair color covered my gray
hair better than any other color I've ever used but is sooooo dark
brown that it looks black. How can I lighten the color with out
causing damage? I thought about using a clarifying shampoo by
pureology that I have ( I'm a PJ so I have serveral to choose from).

Your advice is much appreciated!
So glad you had a good experience (after your last bad one) at the stylist. But I usually wash and deep condition the following week and would do it sooner if I still wasn't so tired and having flashbacks from sitting in the salon all day after the relaxer:grin: (plus I get a minute to enjoy clean hair that I didn't have to slave over to get clean)

I guess what I am saying is that you can go and shampoo and deep condition the next day if you want to. I usually can't wait to do it b/c it makes me feel a whole lot better that all the chemicals are out of my hair when I know that I have done it myself.

I can't advise you on the color though. I am too chicken to do my own color and just get it professionally done, but there are some ladies on the board that do it so well themselves and they do such a good job that you can't tell the difference. Maybe some of them will chime in and be able to shed some light on the coloring process.
Thank you, Blackbarbie. I appreciate your response. I think
I will do a deep conditoner under my dryer tonight. My hair
feels a little dry to me, which I suspect is from the Aphrogee
treatment combined with a chemical service.
On my last relaxer, I had to re-wash and deep condition the same day because my hair was just too dry. I'm not sure about the color, but I think it would be ok for you to wash with a neutralizing shampoo and deep condition with something moisturizing to balance the aphogee treatment.

I'm glad you had a good experience at the salon!
blackbarbie said:
I guess what I am saying is that you can go and shampoo and deep condition the next day if you want to. I usually can't wait to do it b/c it makes me feel a whole lot better that all the chemicals are out of my hair when I know that I have done it myself.

Ditto!!!!!! :)

And OT, but BlackBarbie ure hair looks freaking AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely gorgeous!!!! I love ure new avatar and siggy pics!!!! :D