how soon do you relax after washing your hair?


Well-Known Member
i have it in my head that i should wait for a few days before relaxing.

i am ready to make an appointment for tomorrow or friday but i did a prepoo with oil last night. i'm going to wash it out and then get the relaxer done. i wouldn't normally do this, but some funds showed up so i can get my hair done just in time for my bday.

will the relaxer not take as well if i do it so soon after a wash?

thanks for your help.
usually a week. I do what my hair tells it to do. If my hair is dry and needs moisture.....I can wash and condition my hair like 3 days after a relaxer.
If you relax too soon after washing, you may experience more irritation from the relaxer.
i have it in my head that i should wait for a few days before relaxing.

i am ready to make an appointment for tomorrow or friday but i did a prepoo with oil last night. i'm going to wash it out and then get the relaxer done. i wouldn't normally do this, but some funds showed up so i can get my hair done just in time for my bday.

will the relaxer not take as well if i do it so soon after a wash?

thanks for your help.

I have soaked my hair in coconut oil without washing before my relaxer and my hair still came out straight. Actually to straight. My beautician asked me about the excessive oil. I told her I didn't want my scalp to burn. :grin:. She still based me and went through the process.

I think one time I washed my hair 3 days before. No problem.
Ooopsy. Read the question wrong. I usually wait a week to wash my hair. I consider this a resting period. Low manipulation. Sometimes a week and a half.
I used to wait about a week. ITCH AND BURN city, since I have a sensitve scalp. This last time I waited about 3 days. NO ITCHING, NO FLAKES, no scabs b/c I scratched in between. My scalp is as sensitive as a baby's butt and if I can do it with 3 days between so can you. I even air dried. JUST MAKE SURE YOUR HAIR IS REALLY DRY BEFORE YOU RElax.


who worked out prior to getting a relaxer about 6 months ago (in the morning) OUCH!! OUCH!! OUCH!!