How should I give my cousin hair advice?


New Member
My younger cousin who is 18 is in desperate need of hair advice. She ALWAYS wears her hair in a ponytail with a weave ponytail. I know that some of you guys do the same, however, she slicks her hair TIGHTLY back into a ponytail and slathers on gel, which makes her hair very hard. This has been her style for YEARS.

(There were a few exceptions when she had weave in her hair and she wore it down.)

Anyway she is losing ALOT of hair. When it's in a ponytail you can notice that she has BALD stops, and I'm sorry to say in some areas it looks like a come over (how bald men come over their hair). I'm afraid by the time she's 25 she won't have any hair.

In the past I've tried to give her advice on how to care for her hair but she won't listen. When we were kids her hair was long and beautiful because my aunt always braided her hair.

I want to give her advice but I also want her to use it, and I know I can't force her.
Unless she asks for it, I can't see how you can give her advice. She has to want to do something first. Maybe she is happy with the way her hair is.
You see there are people (family members included) that are going to see your hair and it's progression and want the same for them. Now if they ask then tell them, also tell them that if they need any assisstance then to let you know.

Seeing as you've offered in the past and she hasn't listened you may want to apporach her one more time and tell her that there is something she can do before it's too late. I'm sure you know how you could approach her, but if she doesn't listen to or take your advice or even shown an interest, and she doesn't follow through, then there's nothing you can really do.

Maybe she'd have to go bald before she realises she has a problem and seeks your help.
if you already told her, save your breath. she'll only listen when she's ready. like jrw said, maybe she's happy with her hair that way...