How should I do a hot oil treatment?


New Member
I haven't tried this in years, but I'm inspired today! I'm going to give my hair a little treat... a hot oil treatment, Co wash and Deep Conditioning.

Should I wet my hair and put the oil in, or do it on dry hair?

How long is good to leave it in?

Should I use my heating cap?

Should my hair be slathered in oil, or just heavily oiled?

*sitting here with a bottle of peanut oil and a comb in hand waiting for responses*
I do it as a pre-poo on dry hair. It comes out better (for me) when i put a WHOLE lot of oil. Like my hair is wet with oil. My hairdresser adds it to the conditioner. Thats another option.
I do it as a pre-poo on dry hair. It comes out better (for me) when i put a WHOLE lot of oil. Like my hair is wet with oil. My hairdresser adds it to the conditioner. Thats another option.

Okay... I will slather it on my dry hair, then put on my heating cap for 15 mins.

Hope this comes out okay!

I really hope that I can get this oil out with a co wash :lol:
You have to try different methods (and oil) to see which one your hair likes best. If you are doing it on wet hair. I would suggest you use heat to get the extra added benefit. Olive oil is about the only oil that my hair likes for prepoo on dry hair.
You have to try different methods (and oil) to see which one your hair likes best. If you are doing it on wet hair. I would suggest you use heat to get the extra added benefit. Olive oil is about the only oil that my hair likes for prepoo on dry hair.

I used heat on dry hair. I put A LOT of oil in my dry hair, then went under the heating cap.

Is that bad? :shocked:

My hair did behave a little differently. It got wet faster - usually takes about 30 seconds to become thoroughly wet. It also is a little softer and less tangled. Feels good!
I used heat on dry hair. I put A LOT of oil in my dry hair, then went under the heating cap.

Is that bad? :shocked:

My hair did behave a little differently. It got wet faster - usually takes about 30 seconds to become thoroughly wet. It also is a little softer and less tangled. Feels good!

this is what i do. do it with heat and a lot of oil. i get the same results and after my rollerset my hair is way shinier. i use coconut oil.