How seriously do you take internet male friends??


Well-Known Member
Ok so I've been talking to this new guy on the net for the past little while. He's a sweetheart and I love talking to him. Now I know I will never meet him though because he lives on the other side of the world.

The thing is I really like him. I mean he was gone this weekend and i actually missed him. When he got back we talked about how much we missed each other(along with a bunch of other sappy mushy talk)......

Now I will say I tend to lead guys on and say things i dont mean on the net. So now I'm thinking what if he's doing the same with me. I dont take anything anyone from the net says seriously. I am naturally very cynical about love things though.

So my question to you is how seriously do you take internet relationships? Can you catch feelings for someone over the net ? How honest are you with the people you meet online when it comes to your feelings for them(good bad and other)?
Ok so I've been talking to this new guy on the net for the past little while. He's a sweetheart and I love talking to him. Now I know I will never meet him though because he lives on the other side of the world.

The thing is I really like him. I mean he was gone this weekend and i actually missed him. When he got back we talked about how much we missed each other(along with a bunch of other sappy mushy talk)......

Now I will say I tend to lead guys on and say things i dont mean on the net. So now I'm thinking what if he's doing the same with me. I dont take anything anyone from the net says seriously. I am naturally very cynical about love things though.

So my question to you is how seriously do you take internet relationships? Can you catch feelings for someone over the net ? How honest are you with the people you meet online when it comes to your feelings for them(good bad and other)?

It would depend on the circumstances. If we went in trying to develop a relationship then things would definitely be different. However, you have to take great caution with internet "dating" as people are not always what they seem.

You can catch feelings but again...if beginning a relationship were to come into play then different forms of communication would have to be available like phone, face to face, etc...
I have had my share of Internet attachements.... I call them that, not relationships. there is certainly something to be said for being able to communicate with someone who happens to live far away. sometimes I've thought that these "relationships" would become something simply bc of the amazing connection. but reality sets in... he's not going to move. you're not going to move.... or you'll never meet... or something. I realize these relationships are more like escapes than anything else.

I mean... can't really say "never" but if you know that you tend to say things online you don't mean in person simply b/c you're caught up, I'd just be honest with yourself and let it ride out and just know you're never going to actually pursue it. I get what you're saying and have been in similar situations....