How satisfied are u with ur ends.. right now?


Well-Known Member
Ugh....i'm asking b/c right now i'm 12 weeks post trying to stretch to 20. I know all about what stretching can do to make ur ends look stringy and raggedy, but when i flat iron my ng completely, I'm still not satisfied. I don't have major splits, but all the search & destroy is really getting irritating now.

I reeeeeallly wanna cut of a good 1" of hair off so my ends look blunt. (of course i'm not gonna do it). I think i'm just one of those people who have an obsession with blunt ends.

so how satisfied are u with ur ends right now?

Do they appear better in pics than they are IRL (in real life)

are u doing anything so they don't get worse?
my ends look a mess:nono:

the only thing that will help is to chop them off. I have 3 inches to cut:ohwell:

Your hair looks very healthy. I checked your album:grin:
No, I hate my ends. They're so poofy. I recently trimmed them a little to try to get rid of most of the poofyness....
My ends are bad bad bad. :nono:
I don't know what to do - i'm so desperate to gain length, that I know cutting it will be detrimental to my health, lol. They are just too jaggedy.
I think that If I were to cut to blunt, that I would be back up to SL, maybe even above. From APL. OMG. C&G for another 6 months is not on my agenda. :rolleyes:
I adore my ends. I was 2 inches to APL when I got a blunt trim/cut back to SL. So I'm loving it....sometimes, we are so afraid of the scissors, but they can really make your hair appear healthier.
Not 100% satisfied right about now. They don't look bad, but they are not as blunt as I want them to be either. I'm just basically waiting till I reach my goal before cutting them even.
not satisfied at all. i stretched a section of hair, and it's about an inch away from APL... while some sections are 2" - 3" shorter. no 2 pieces of hair on my head are the same length :nono:

and i refuse to cut, because to get my ends blunt again, i'd have to cut all the way back up to shoulder length.

i'd much rather get a little past my goal length (APL), and start cutting gradually then. no one has to worry about my raggedy looking ends if i wear my hair up all the time like i do now.
Not too satisfied. Usually when I'm not feeling my ends I just do a good Dc. The Dc usually helps me out, at least temporarily. I plan on doing a quick dusting when I get my relaxer next week. And if I can bring myself to it... a trim in June.
I'm not satisfied with my ends at all right now but I'm not ready to cut about 3" right now to even it out. I'll just keep wearing my protective styles until my hair thickens up and dust occasionally.
I'm not satisfied with my ends at all, that's why I scheduled a trim for next Saturday. Hopefully, I will come out lookin alright.
I am pretty okay with my ends. I dust everytime I relax so I get the stragglies out. When you stretch, your ends always look worse then they really are because of the two different textures. I think the best way to tell if you need to cut/chop/dust is to first get a relaxer. Once your hair is all the same texture, you can better determine the condition of your ends.
I'm getting a trim next Saturday , I'm claiming APL so it will set me back ..but I need to get a fresh start for the new year.
I am feeling better about my ends. I am still not entirely satisfied but my hair grows so unevenly that I'm trying to hold out until I'm full SL all over to get them trimmed up.

I started doing bantu knots wrapped in pieces of grocery bag at night after sealing and that's made a huge difference.

I think they might look a little worse in pictures than they are.
Since i figured out my hair DOES NOT like protein at all. I only use moisturizing condish,no shampoo my ends are fine for the 1st time in a long time.
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Not at all! :( My hair was so brittle and dry on Sat. I did a deep condition w/ORS Olive Oil Replenishing Pak (under my new Pibbs 512 :grin:) for about 45 min. My hair felt soft afterwards, but I think my ends look to thin. Not raggedy, just thin. I am so bad with protective styling. I am having a hard time getting past shoulder length. :nono:
they are not looking good at all. Whenever i run my hands through my hair They get caught a little at the ends, which means my hair is splitting like crazy:perplexed
Not satisfied, but I'm waiting til I get past my goal to cut. My plan is do a nice 1.5-2in trim for my b-day in September. Until then, I'm just gonna baby my ends as much as possible.
they are not looking good at all. Whenever i run my hands through my hair They get caught a little at the ends, which means my hair is splitting like crazy:perplexed

:blush:uhh ohhh...mine is doing the same thing..I was hoping it meant something else....dam*
Ugh....i'm asking b/c right now i'm 12 weeks post trying to stretch to 20. I know all about what stretching can do to make ur ends look stringy and raggedy, but when i flat iron my ng completely, I'm still not satisfied. I don't have major splits, but all the search & destroy is really getting irritating now.

I reeeeeallly wanna cut of a good 1" of hair off so my ends look blunt. (of course i'm not gonna do it). I think i'm just one of those people who have an obsession with blunt ends.

so how satisfied are u with ur ends right now?

Do they appear better in pics than they are IRL (in real life)

are u doing anything so they don't get worse?

I hate the way my ends look when I *try* to stretch, lol. When I roller set, I use castor oil on my ends and that makes them look thicker. Also, When I attempt to stretch, I don't wear my hair straight... I roll it at night, wrap it in the AM, and unwrap before I leave for work. That way my ends are bent. This helps to take the attention off of them. HTH.
Im so shocked but yes I am happy. And im relaxed, have permanent color. and use heat. When I was stretching I thought my ends were jacked but when I got a touch up, they were in good condition. This is why I only trim after a fresh relaxer and after a flat iron. I only had 2 trims last year. I think they are in good condition because I give them extra attention when I DC and moisturize.