How satan gets a foot in the door...


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
This isn't about the devil or evil but more about a relationship with God and spiritual awareness and how to keep focused. This week's series was cutthroat. Some things brought conviction, others confirmation for me. In all, I'd like to share it here - for whoever may need to hear it. I know I did!:

Let me tell you where many of God’s people get hoodwinked by Satan. It is by getting out of balance on some issue or some doctrine.

Frankly, I’ve seen some godly women get way out of balance on women’s issues, and I’ve seen it in both directions. Some are so focused on freedom for women and women’s rights that they put that cause above everything else and become militant in their fight for equality. Others are so legalistic about women’s roles and judgmental of women who don’t follow traditional paths that they get way out of balance on the other end.

There is room in the body of Christ for differences of opinion on this issue, but there is no room for crusaders who have lost the central focus of staying in first love with Jesus and dying to self. The history of the church is replete with people and groups who went off the deep end on one crusade or another, believing with all their hearts that they were right, and willing to fight for their point of view, but falling head first into Satan’s traps.

We should be willing to stand against any onslaught of our Christian faith and values, and we should be willing to die for Jesus. But when we get focused on single issues to the imbalance of the full truth of scripture, we are opening the door for Satan to move in and cause major havoc in our lives and in the body of Christ.

I speak this to myself, because I am the type of person who believes strongly and is ready to fight for what I believe. That’s fine, but I want to be sure I’m fighting for what Jesus would fight for. And I want to stay totally focused on Jesus, constantly asking myself, “Would Jesus be on this crusade?” I desperately want to stay in balance with the Word of God.

And friends, that’s our touchstone. What does God’s Word say? One of Satan’s most effective tools is to deceive us into thinking that our issue is so right and we are so right, we can ignore the counsel of scripture and of godly people who tell us otherwise.

I urge you to ask God for discernment so that your life is not out of balance in any area or on any issue. It is an open invitation for Satan to move in. And the best way to stay in balance is to stay in first love with Jesus, always thinking about him and trying to please him. Is he the focus of your life, or has some issue become more important to you than Jesus?

Recently I was reminded of how quickly Satan can get a foot in the door and wreak havoc. I went to the Lord asking for discernment anew and pledging to take any steps necessary to shut the door in Satan’s face.

One very common way that Satan tries to get into our lives is through wrong relationships or unbiblical counsel. In 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 we read that “Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness.” A masquerade is a false outward show, a pretense—a mask to hide the real thing.

Think about the people who are influential in your life. Could it be that you are under the spell of a masquerader—someone who looks like a servant of righteousness? Let’s face it, not too many of us would fall for a servant of Satan who had a red suit, a pitchfork and a tail. We’d run the other direction. But we can be easily fooled by Satan’s servants dressed to look like angels of light.

Are you getting counsel or advice from a servant of Satan masquerading as an angel? I’ve often seen people led astray by the wrong counselor. You tend to trust that person and do what they suggest, and if their counsel is not biblical, you may find yourself way down the wrong path of destruction and sorrow.

How many singles have opened the door wide for Satan to move in by forming intimate relationships with some man or woman who was not a servant of God. That masquerade may look nice at the party, but when the mask comes off, you’ll discover you’ve opened the door to Satan and his power.

When Peter tried to give Jesus some advice that was not biblical, he said to him, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men” (Matthew 16:23). Peter was one of Jesus’ closest friends, but Satan tried to use him to get Jesus off-track.

When your friends don’t have the things of God in mind, they can cause you to open the door to Satan. Like Peter, they may not even realize they are Satan’s tool, but when their counsel or advice is not according to scripture; Satan is using them to get a foot in the door.

Watch your relationships closely. We certainly don’t want to become cynical and distrustful people, but we do need to be cautious, because the wrong relationship or the wrong counsel can open the door to Satan’s disasters.

Shut the door in Satan’s face by praying that God will give you wisdom concerning all of your relationships and the counsel you are receiving.

Do you have some unforgiveness in your heart right now?

Did you realize that when you harbor unforgiveness, you are opening the door wide for Satan to walk in and take over? I’m talking about how Satan gets a foot in the door, and unforgiveness is one of his primary tools.

In 2 Corinthians 2:10-11 we read: “If you forgive anyone, I also forgive him. And what I have forgiven—if there was anything to forgive—I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake, in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.”

Keeping us from forgiving each other is one of Satan’s schemes to divide and destroy us. Paul refused to hold grudges of any kind or keep any record of the wrongs done to him, because he didn’t want Satan to get a foot in the door.

Many relationships have been ruined forever because of an unwillingness to forgive. Many churches have been divided because there was no room for forgiveness. Dear friend, if there is anyone you need to forgive, please do so at once. To fail to forgive really throws the door wide open for Satan to move in and start his destructive moves.

Maybe you have forgiven that person, but those feelings of resentment and bitterness keep welling up in you. Just forgive again and again and again. Jesus understands how you feel, but he will empower you to keep on forgiving if you will be willing to do so.

A friend of mine wrote of her struggle to forgive her ex-husband. She wrote: “Again and again the Bible told me that I would remain ‘stuck’ unless I could forgive. I began to write: ‘I forgive you for the hurt, the rejection, the disappointment, the fear. I forgive you for the failed dream of a whole family, for the broken home we’ve become. I forgive you for the crippled Christian couple we are now to others around us, for the incalculable damage to the girls, for the ripping apart of the fabric of the larger family, of friends, of activities, of memories.’ On and on—there was so much stored up. Suddenly I stopped writing. When I looked inside myself, I felt an incredible peace. Everything looked different because I was free! Free!”

Are you free today or still living in unforgiveness.

Do what Joanna did, write it all down, go to that person if you need to, but mostly just let Jesus pour his forgiveness through you. That will shut the door in Satan’s face quicker than anything you can do, and you’ll be free! When you forgive, it is a slap in Satan’s face, because he knows he can get his foot in your door as long as you refuse to forgive.

Like many of you, I have often been disturbed and saddened to see how Satan has gotten into a believer’s life, deceived them dreadfully, and done much damage to them and their Christian testimony. None of them intended to let Satan in, but they were unaware of his tactics and/or unwilling to shut the door in his face.

One easy way Satan can get in is through greed. Judas Iscariot and Ananias and Sapphira were taken in by their greed and it destroyed them. Jesus warned us that we cannot serve God and money, and he gave money the characteristic of spiritual power. That’s because Satan uses our desire for money to break down our doors and get in.

I remember once when I was on a long business trip, and all kinds of little things went wrong. First, I had some good very nice jewelry stolen from my hotel room. Then a good silk shirt was ruined, and a new pair of shoes, too. Finally, I said, “Lord, what’s the lesson here?” I knew the answer right away. I had just spent some time with a friend who has lots of this world’s goods—gorgeous home and many beautiful things, as well as plenty of money. And you know, it’s so easy to catch that money bug.

I know God was speaking to me, saying, “Mary, please don’t get attached to the things that money can buy. Please don’t envy others who have more than you have. Please don’t get focused on money or things, because when you do, you are in for a terrible fall. It could ruin your ministry and your walk with me.” I’m really thankful for those lessons to remind me of how quickly I can get swallowed up with the desire for money and things.

Many people who started out to serve the Lord ended up in disgrace because they opened the door to Satan by allowing their desire for money and things to become more important than anything else. This is one of Satan’s most effective tools. Maybe you’re in that spot now, where money and things occupy your time, your energy, and your thoughts. If so, Satan has his foot in your door, and you can be sure he will bring you to ruin and disgrace as soon as he can.

I would encourage you to pray Proverbs 30:8-9: “Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you, and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God.”

Don’t let money and things cause you to stumble and fall into Satan’s traps. Believe me, it isn’t worth it.

Paul wrote to the Corinthians that we must not let Satan outwit us, for “we are not unaware of his schemes” (2 Cor. 2:11). Unfortunately many of us are unaware of his schemes and therefore we make his job easy. I want to point out some common ways that Satan gets a foot in the door, and I ask you to pray that God will show you where Satan is trying to get in your door.

First, Satan will try to get to us through our unmet needs. When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, Satan came at him in a time of need. Jesus was physically hungry and so Satan worked on his physical need—”turn these stones to bread,” he said to Jesus. Do you have some physical need right now? Perhaps it’s a health problem. If you stay focused on the need instead of on Jesus, that need will consume your mind and you’re open to Satan’s deception.

Another unmet need that he often uses is our need for recognition and self-esteem. Satan tried that tactic with Jesus, too, by promising him authority and splendor if first Jesus would worship Satan. Do you have a real need for recognition and reward? Maybe you’ve not been affirmed very much, and you have a big need to feel significant. If you become focused on that need, you will be very vulnerable to Satan’s deception. You’ll find yourself willing to lower your standards and start worshiping other gods to try to get that recognition.

Satan also tried to tempt Jesus with power, and if you’re looking for power in your life, it could be a door you’re opening to let Satan in. We all want to feel like we’re in control, but when we feel most in control, with the most power, we are most likely to fall. We must continually recognize our weakness and our complete inability to make it on our own. Beware when you think you’re standing, Paul wrote, because when you think you are standing firm, you are most likely to fall (1 Cor. 10:12).

What unmet needs are in your life right now? For ten years I was obsessed with my unmet need—my desire to be married. And because that was more important to me than anything else, Satan got his foot in the door big time. If your eyes are on your unmet need, your door is open to Satan.

Keep your eyes on Jesus, not on your unmet need. Keep focused on his love for you; spend time with him; stay in first love with Jesus. Get your eyes off of yourself and whatever unmet need you have, and keep fixing your eyes on Jesus.

Pray Hebrews 12:2 into your life: " I will fix my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

Satan will have a hard time getting in your door if you keep praying that verse.

- Mary Welchel, The Christian Working Woman
Laela, I like the way you outlined these... Friday first, then Monday. No 'stone unturned'.

Thanks as always for sharing such heart searching messages.
Thank you for posting these! This is going in my favorites, Praise God!

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^^ You're both more than welcomed.. I'm happy to know it's a blessing to you as well. come I didn't see this thread before?

I'm getting old, cause I sho' didn't see it:look:.

This is right on time with all that's happening.....right on time!

I appreciate you sharing this because it is really good information, really good!!!
My pleasure, sis ...I agree it is good food. ... And here ya go.. lol

600px-03.jpg come I didn't see this thread before?

I'm getting old, cause I sho' didn't see it:look:.

This is right on time with all that's happening.....right on time!

I appreciate you sharing this because it is really good information, really good!!!
:lachen: you're so funny! I always look forward to your fellowship on here...
thanks for the smile/laughter..
Thanks for this. I'm kind of lost right now and This really helped me put some things into perspective.
ZapMami, I'm glad to hear this has blessed you as well. We can't ever go wrong with God's Positioning System (GPS, aka the Word) when we need a fresh perspective, encouragement or just reassurance that He is near. Have a wonderful week!

Thanks for this. I'm kind of lost right now and This really helped me put some things into perspective.