How quickly do you go through your favorite products?


stay at your best ♥
How long does it take you to finish your favorite products? It can be anything: conditioner, pomade, serum, oil, moisturizer, spritz, etc.

It'd be great if you mentioned the size of the product, too, and how often you use it in a week/month.
Months. .. the more I like something, the less that I use:yep:
That's for anything I use daily/weekly/monthly. For example Aubrey conditioners last about 2-3 months with daily use when i use to co wash daily.
- 3 weeks for 12 oz of CJ Smoothing Conditioner; use it to detangle and condition 1x a week.

- 8-12 weeks for Ouidad Curl CoWash; Cocleanse 1x a week. Depends on how many sections I do. The more sections, the more product I use.

- 3-4 weeks for my moisturizers (Oyin Hair Dew and DB Transitioning Creme). Use them 3-7 x a week depending on what I am doing with my hair and how my hair feels during the week.
Any conditioner I like in size 30 oz or more I can keep for 3-8 months. A good styling gel like Kinky Curly I keep for well over a year.
I have a bulk container of extra virgin coconut oil. The 29 oz should last me well into 2015. I bought it last March.
Shampoo: Elucence Moisture Benefits shampoo. 1 liter in size. The last bottle I had lasted well over 2 years and that's with using it weekly on my daughter's hair and every 2 weeks on my hair.

Deep conditioner: HV Sitrinillah. I've had the huge salon tub for 3 months now and I haven't even scratched the surface. I'm sure it will last up to 2 years as well. This was my first time getting it in the largest size so I'm not 100% sure. Use this every 2 weeks after I wash.

Leave in: It's a 10 miracle. 4 oz size can last me around 8 months to a year. I use maybe 10 sprays for my entire head before I roller set every 2 weeks.

Coconut oil, 8 oz bottle can last up to a year. I use this every 3 days or so to maintain my roller set hair. Of course I don't use a lot because I don't want my hair to be oily and weighed down.

Hick's edge control. 4 oz in size. I've had the same one for well over a year...but I don't use it often, maybe once a week.

The above are the products I use 90% of the time. I've recently started to do pre-shampoo treatments with conditioner. Right now I'm using Hairveda's salon size moist 24/7 conditioner but I could do without it, so I don't consider it a staple. I would say I should be done with it in 6 months? I've had it for about 3 months now.
It can take forever since I keep a multitude of products in rotation at the same time. I rarely use the same products from week to week, but in general:

- Each 16oz jar of DC gives me 4.5 uses
- Every 8oz jar of DC gives 3 uses, depending upon consistency
- Bask's 9oz container of Whiskey DC affords me with 4 uses
- All 8oz bottles of leave-in conditioner can last for at least a year
- It takes 2 years for me to deplete the 16oz bottles of my favorite oils
- A 32oz container of castor oil lasted for 2+ years
- An 8oz bottle of a liquid refreshing spritz will last ~4 months
- A 16oz bottle of Aphogee 2-Minute or Mill Creek Biotin gives me 4 to 5 uses
- A 16oz bottle of SSI's Okra Reconstructor gives me ~6 uses
- I got 4 uses from an 8oz bottle of Komaza's hard protein treatment
- The 8oz containers of butter and cream last forever (until I give them away)
- All shampoos (ranging from 12oz to a liter) will last for years and years, e.g., I've only used about a quarter of the liter sized Elucence and Elasta QP shampoos after 3 years of weekly shampooing
I can't finish a product to save my life!! I use something different everytime. I seriously have over 70 hair products.
It takes me two weeks to finish on bottle of AO GPB. I use it every week as my prepoo. When it runs out I use cheapie condish until my new bottle arrived. I love Aubrey products and go through 5 bottles a month.

My DC is usually used in one sitting. I need 250-300 grams to apply all over my hair. When I was cowashing daily I would go through 8oz bottles. Every week.

My oils last for 2 months and they are 2-4 oz. I am heavy handed and like to detangle my hair when DCing, Prepooing and cowashing.

Because of this I don't buy any of the product brands mentioned on here other than Aubrey Giovanni and rarely aphogee. I use a lot of Korean and Japanese conditioners, DCs, oils and creams. They get the job done very well.
It takes me two weeks to finish on bottle of AO GPB. I use it every week as my prepoo. When it runs out I use cheapie condish until my new bottle arrived. I love Aubrey products and go through 5 bottles a month. My DC is usually used in one sitting. I need 250-300 grams to apply all over my hair. When I was cowashing daily I would go through 8oz bottles. Every week. My oils last for 2 months and they are 2-4 oz. I am heavy handed and like to detangle my hair when DCing, Prepooing and cowashing. Because of this I don't buy any of the product brands mentioned on here other than Aubrey Giovanni and rarely aphogee. I use a lot of Korean and Japanese conditioners, DCs, oils and creams. They get the job done very well.

I don't feel bad now about going through aubrey organics bottle once a month lool

Korean and Japanese conditioners .......hmmm I how did you find about trying this was it just trial and error?

How do they compare to western stuff ?

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