How or why does sulfur powder make your hair grow?


Well-Known Member
Like seriously how/why does yellow sulfur powder make your hair grow? I just don't understand I know we get sulfur from fruits and vegetables but it can't be the same chemical makeup as the yellow sulfur. If anyone knows please let me know, thank you!
I've heard it has something to do with the fact that our cells depend on sulfur in some form. I tried looking it up yesterday and sulfur as "the beauty mineral" or something to that effect basically everything i saw eluded to the fact its a cureall. But I'm clueless as to why hair.

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NATURALBORNQUEEN has a very in depth video on youtube....I can't figure out how to post the link but you can go to her youtube channel and she gives a pretty detailed explanation of what sulfur ''does'' has something to do with the phases of hair growth.
I can't remember where but I've read that it was more of a bacterial issue. Sort of the same way MN works. Madame CJ Walker also used sulfur based products I think for its anti-bacterial properties. Something about her not being able to wash her hair frequently and her hair not growing.

I will say that topical sulfur did nothing for me so I don't think it has anything with actually increasing your growth rate, rather it helps you get to your maximum potential.