how on earth does this happen?!?1


New Member
im just looking at strangds of my hair and there are these tiny little knots on the strands!! how does that happen?? i mean, i could understand if it was a few strands that got knotted or tangle, but its just these microscopic little knots on individual strands!

is this something that will hinder my growth retention??
I get them also. It's just one of those weird things that happens.

Once I did a "test." I got some of my shed hair, and I wet it and ran shampoo and conditioner on it with my fingers. I rubbed it back and forth a few times, and do you know that right before my eyes a knot formed on one of the strands! The hair just bounced back onto itself and knotted.

I don't know how to avoid them, or if it is even possible. I don't think it will harm retention of hair.
I get those, too. I remember looking at a strand of hair, and there was the tinest little loop, like if somebody were about to tie a miniature shoestring. I think the hair just spontaneously knots itself like that.
Thank goodnes I"M NOT ALONE. I get these little knots too and i'm always wondering how the heck does this happen. So aggravating
I get knots, too. I haven't figured out how to prevent them either.
I get them too...but not to a point where I have to trim all the time.I think the hair curls/curves around its self esp after washing.
May be if you ladies compared your hair care. Yo might discover something that is similiar. Then compare with others who do not get them or found a way to avoid them.

At first I thought it was woman with short hair. I had them when I had short hair. I don't get them any more but don't know why. I only thought about it and rembered when people on the hair boards started talking about them.

So with some investigation you may be able to find the reason and cure. I really don't know why I do not get them any more. Oh yes I had them when I was relaxed and with wave nouveus only. Good luck
I used to get them too, and then I figured it out. Before you shampoo or condition, finger separate your hair (finger comb). Put a protective oil on the hair, especially the ends (you may only want to do the ends). Make sure the hair is not tangled, wait at least an hour if you can, and then wash, condition, etc. I was having those same issues until I started doing this. Occasionally, I still get one or two. Your ends are the most fragile part of your hair. My hair was growing, but always breaking at the ends. The oil will protect your hair from the shampoo/conditioner's drying effects. Also, if you rollerset your hair or put it in a bun, make sure to moisturize the ends very delicately before wrapping it around the roller or pinning it with a bobby pin. Once I did this, my hair would come out of the roller set or bun much sleeker and feel like silk. Hope this helps.
I didnt get these when I was relaxed but I get them now that I'm natural. I dont notice them when I do my wash n go's but when I wear my hair froed then I feel them and it drives me nuts because I want to break them off and I know I shouldnt.
I used to get them when I was natural and I remember someone telling me that it's a sign that my ends need moisture....

Hope it wil help
cocoberry10 said:
I used to get them too, and then I figured it out. Before you shampoo or condition, finger separate your hair (finger comb). Put a protective oil on the hair, especially the ends (you may only want to do the ends). Make sure the hair is not tangled, wait at least an hour if you can, and then wash, condition, etc. I was having those same issues until I started doing this.

I do this and i still get knots.

I think it's just a part of having natural hair. The hair coils around itself and knots. I just snip them off when I trim and ignore them otherwise.