How often to use Protein Conditioner and Protein treatments?


New Member
Hi everyone /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I am a newbie but I have been lurking on the site for a while. I am determined to start a hair album soon but in the meantime have really learned alot from all of you wonderful ladies. Me and my hair THANK YOU. But to the question... I know that alot of you ladies use protein treatments and protein conditioners in your regimen but how often? It seems to me that most people use a protein treatment like emergence, before and after a perm and then use protein conditioners like GPB and Keraphix for maitenance. So does that mean that it is safe to use protein conditioners every week or is it safer to use them every other week? I have just added protein conditioners to my regimen and it has a great effect on my hair..I am still a little SCARED of the hardcore protein treatments though. I don't think I will use them unless there is some major breakage. But anyway how often do you use protein conditioners vs protein treatments and WHY?? /images/graemlins/confused.gif

Thanks for the info...
Hi Sweetcheri,

Welcome to the board. I've never used anything as heavy as Aphogee or Emergencee. But I have used Keraphix and GPB. I wash my hair 2x a week, so I like to use the Keraphix every wash for maintenance.
Welcome Sweetcheri! I use GPB weekly, and once a month I use either Dudley's Hair Rebuilder or Affirm 5in1 Reconstructor. I've never had a need to use some of the hardcore protein treatments.
I'm new also, T have used Aphogee treatment for damaged hair twice in past 2 years once after I colored my hair and it started breaking and once after having braids redone every two months for six consecutive months. I plan on using a mild protein like AubreyGPB because in the past two weeks I have learned that my hair loves moisture not protein, too much protein makes my hair hard and susceptible to extreme breakage.
I use a protein conditioner once/wk to keep my hair strong. I use some Dominican conditioners for this.
I mix a protein conditioner w/ a moisturizing conditioner (Keraphix/Humectress) and use it every week. I use Emergencee the week before I get a relaxer and the week after.
I mix a protein conditioner w/ a moisturizing conditioner (Keraphix/Humectress) and use it every week. I use Emergencee the week before I get a relaxer and the week after.

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Ditto /images/graemlins/up.gif I have so graciously copied Candi's regimen and it's working for me. Thanks Candi /images/graemlins/kiss.gif

My only difference is I will occasionally throw the NTM products in the lineup to give my hair a suprise.
Thanks for the info girls.

I currently have Kenra MC and Nexxus Keraphix. Do you think I could mix these together and get the same effect as a Humectress/Keraphix mix? How long do you leave it in? Is there a diffence between doing them at the same time versus one after the other? And finally how do you ration the portions in applying it? I know that these are a lot of follow up questions. Thanks again... /images/graemlins/spinning.gif
I dont know if you'll get the exact same effect, but I think that will be a good combo. I leave mine in for 20 minutes and sit under the dryer. I dont think there's a difference between doing them at the same time, I just started doing it that way because my stylist said I could mix them so it didnt take as long to do my hair. I dont measure mine, I just take a handful of Keraphix and rub it over my hair (mainly ends) then do the same with Humectress.

LOL Cowgirl! glad i could help. i do switch products every now and then, just nothing specific because i have a lot of samples /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I do a hardcore protein treatment one week before and two weeks after relaxing.
I use Aubrey'GPB or ORS Hair Mayo every other week.

Why dont you consider Affirm 5 in 1 a hardcore protein treatment? To me it makes the hair hard immediately and then you have to super condition your hair. How does it effect your hair? I only use it before and after a relaxer.
Everyone else
Im looking for a regular protein maintenance conditioner for 4a/b hair any suggestions?
I currently have Kenra MC and Nexxus Keraphix. Do you think I could mix these together and get the same effect as a Humectress/Keraphix mix? Will probably work well also.

How long do you leave it in? Under dryer for 20 minutes

Is there a diffence between doing them at the same time versus one after the other? I don't think so. I just get a plastic cup and try to mix an equal amount of Humectress & Keraphix and apply to hair.