How often should I take it down?


Well-Known Member
I have finally delved into the world of wigs and love it! I braid my hair underneath with a little bit of hair mayo and grease and spray the parts braid spray. I am noticing though my scalp is so dry and i moisturized before I put it up. How often should I take my hair down, wash and rebraid? 1x a week? 2x? Any other suggestions of what to do to maintain my hair underneath?
are you putting the hair mayo and the grease on your scalp also? The hair mayo may be drying since it does have protein in it. I would apply some type of moisturizer or oil to the scalp to help with dryness. When I wear my half wig I have my hair braided underneath also...I just wash every two weeks or apply seabreeze to my scalp
I wash and rebraid every 2 weeks when I wear my wigs...
And I maintain my hair with dove sheer moisture and elasta qp h-two and its been workin' for me so far but remember, not all products work for everybody, so I suggest you use a moisturizer that works for you. I also make sure I moisturize the ends of my braids and seal with an oil.

HTH! :)