how often do you naturals


Active Member
.........wash your hair?

please say how often (poo and co washes) and your hair type.:p


-poo/co once a week wash
- co wash daliy
-4a (i think lol)

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CW daily to 5 days a week.
Poo once a week to week and a half
See pic for hair type.
3c/4a cottony, coily hair

Condition washes every 3-5 days. My hair does better when I condition wash/rinse it every 2-3 days.
I shampoo and condition once every 1-2 weeks. :)

hair type 4: tiny tight kinky coils, fine strands, densely compact
I shampoo & condition once a week & Mid Week I Use a Shampoo Bar.

Conditioner Washes doesn't work for me so I might do them maybe once in awhile if I am in a Hurry.
I shampoo once a week or week and a half, I cw 2x times a week. I usually wear twists so any more washing causes major fuzzies. As for hair type I haven't got a clue you can check out my album.
Since the summer began I have been doing an acid vinegar rinse in my hair about 3X weekly followed by a conditioner wash. I wash w/ shampoo every 7-10 days. My hair "type" is 4a
I rinse my hair everyday in the shower with water
I Co wash my hair ever Wednesday w/ Paul Mitchell's "The Rinse"
I deep condition every Saturday w/ either Kerasilk or ORS Hair Mayo

*After all of these i use Black N' Sassy Carribean Leave-In w/ WGO*
  • Poo once/month
  • Co wash + deep conditionning-treatment once /week (except if I have two strands twist or flat ironed hair)
  • 4b
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I wash once or twice a week with conditioner (whenever my scalp itches); I only poo if I have 'cone use/build-up. 4abF/Mii, OS (LOIS)
generally poo and conditioner 2-3x a week. Lately with it being so damn hot, I've been pooing (hee-hee) and conditioning daily.

hair type 4a/b
I used to no-poo my hair once a week, but I missed it one week and my hair didn't suffer, so I wash once every fortnight.
Hair type 4BBBBBBBB
I am a 4a/4b w/curly zigzag naps. I usually shampoo daily but I am cutting back to twice a week since my hair is maintaining moisture now.
I love washing everyday.
Shampoo + conditioner once or twice a week
3b/c or something like that :)

If my hair was shorter I would probably CW more often. I used to before. But with this length I would have wet hair 24 hours, which isn't great for me in this icy country.
:grin: :grin: thank you ladies!:grin: :grin:

reading what every one does it seems most wash 3x a week or daily. its good as wer all different i see its just whatever works best for each person. so i think im going to carry on daily washing week days but then leave it over the weekend.

thanks for eveyones posts!

:p bumping for all the other naturals:p
I CW every day during the warm months, twists during the cold months.. I shampoo once a week. See pic for hair type.
It varies, lately it's been shampooing once a week and rinsing after I leave the gym. One days I don't go to the gym, I don't do anything by moisturize. I don't con. wash anymore. water and my leave-in work just fine. Shampoo days take about 40 minutes. Rinsing takes less than 10.
I wet my hair daily but I only co wash 2-3 times a week. I shampoo once a week. The other days I just rinse with water & use leave in. I'm a 4a.
I wash my hir with shampoo (Creme of Nature) once per month and conditioner wash every Monday and Friday. On Tuesday-Thursday I just rinse my hair with plain old water. :)