How often do you moisturize you hair while bunned or under a phony pony???


Well-Known Member
Hey you guys, I'm trying to figure out how to keep my hair moisturized and prevent dryness while bunning, wearing phony ponies, etc. Lately I've been bunning with extensions but I've been taking it down every night also. The ecostyler is drying so I'm trying to combat that and I don't want to wash my hair EVERYDAY. So, what do you do?
I usually cowash every 3 days or so. If I dont feel like washing I just spray with scurl or something similar for moisture and apply an oil over it.
I use ecostyler as well and it does not dry my hair when I put oil on first then a little gel, then throw on a scarf for 20mins.
I'm not entirely sure why you may be experiencing dryness but I want to help so these are my could be a number of reasons
It could be that the moisturizer you are using is not the right moisturizer for you. If the ingredients include petrolatum or any form of it, it can make your hair feel moisturized initially and leave it feeling dried out later. Also make sure that whatever deep conditioners as well as leave-ins you are using work well with your hair also and are helping to retain moisture. Be careful with using glycerin in the winter/cold weather too!
OR it could be that you are using a weak sealant. You can try moving to heavier oils, or you can do what I do...and use grease :look: rules for grease: ONLY use on your ends and ONLY after you've THOROUGHLY moisturized! Any kind of heavier sealant may lock in the moisture you use for longer periods of time.
Make sure you're using hair accessories that do not rob your hair of moisture. I used mixed knit scrunchies, but I know for some people even that can be really drying to their strands. Your safest bet would be satin scrunchies, hair elastics (but be careful bc those can jack up your ends!!), or just bunning w/bobby pins or no accessories at all.
Detangle your hair before you style too, this could be a factor...sometimes shed hairs/tangles prevent certain spots from receiving enough moisture...

That's all I have for now, if I think of anything else I'll be sure to post. Hope that helps!
I usually cowash every 3 days or so. If I dont feel like washing I just spray with scurl or something similar for moisture and apply an oil over it.
I use ecostyler as well and it does not dry my hair when I put oil on first then a little gel, then throw on a scarf for 20mins.

Oh yes this is good too! :yep: You can carry a little moisturizing spritz around until you solve your dryness issues for good. Mine contains my favorite moisturizer/leave-in and water.
A similar question was asked in another thread and below is my response to that thread. Hopefully it helps you in some way.

How long do you keep your bun in at a time? Do you redo the bun daily/nightly? I vary my bun regi. I sometimes bun each morning & take it down each afternoon. If I'm going for a set it and forget regi, I keep it in for 2-3 days. Either works, just depends on what I'm going for.

How do you keep your bun moist? How long does your bun stay moist if you were just to leave it alone? If doing a daily take down -- I moisturize / seal in the a.m. & p.m. If doing a set it & forget it style -- I spritz in the a.m. and seal by running oil over the top layer. I also do this at night so my hair is getting moisturized / sealed daily even though I'm not taking the bun down daily. I also overnight baggy my set it / forget it style by -- putting on a du rag type scarf first, 2 plastic bags on top of the du rag & then top it off with an oversized scarf. My hair stays moisturized with either method.

What do you do with the hair that is smoothed up going towards your actual bun? Once the hair is smoothed into a bun, it remains smooth because I scarf my hair at night.
well, my whole head isn't dry just the outside layer where i put the gel on and I put in quite a bit for a sleek look and touch up everyday or every other day