How often do you dust?

How often do you dust your ends?

  • Once a week to two weeks

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • Once a month

    Votes: 10 25.6%
  • Every 3 to 6 months

    Votes: 18 46.2%
  • Never??? :-0!!

    Votes: 9 23.1%

  • Total voters
I know this had probably been asked a million times b4 on here,, sorry, but I am curious as to how often you dust your ends? Ive stopped trimming altogether but dusting is a must and i think if i exmained closely enough Id probably do it almost once a week:ohwell:.... I usually do it every 3 weeks or so....
I dust whenever I remember to do that, which is probably every 3 or 4 weeks. Honestly, I haven't been paying attention to how often I do it. My last trim was in Feb. '07.
I dust whenever I see a need to ..... I don't use a time table....Right now I haven't been using heat and you can tell from my ends......I only trim and dust when it is needed
Whenever I think of it which is maybe every few months. I'm starting a new regime so I will do it faithfully once a month starting next month.
Okay I'm confused dusting a search and destroy mission for split ends or a light trim like maybe .5 of an inch less trim?:ohwell:
Okay I'm confused dusting a search and destroy mission for split ends or a light trim like maybe .5 of an inch less trim?:ohwell:

Dusting is where you take the tiniest amount off of the length, like for me I just snip the end of my ponytail. Search and destroy is where you search through each individual hair and snip off any splits you find......yes, this is very time consuming, lol

I voted 3 to 6 months but I'm so random with it that it's hard to tell. I definitely don't do it more than once a month.
Dusting is where you take the tiniest amount off of the length, like for me I just snip the end of my ponytail. Search and destroy is where you search through each individual hair and snip off any splits you find......yes, this is very time consuming, lol

I voted 3 to 6 months but I'm so random with it that it's hard to tell. I definitely don't do it more than once a month.
LOL , o my goodness,, i meant search and destroy!! I didnt mean dust:lachen:, o gosh , me and these threads,, i keep making errors,,, I hardly ever dust
Ok.....I heard people use this term but I still don't understand how you DUST your hair.

Is it just cutting a small amount of hair for even-ness (sp.) or to get rid of split ends on idividual ends?

:spinning: Does this differnence make sense?
Dust= cutting such a small amount of hair that the clippings actually look like dust. Usually from the ends.

S&D= Search and destroy any offending hairs throughout your head. This is my preferred method because most times my ends are in perfect why would I cut/trim/dust 'em? I don;t obessess...if I can't see it i'm not "offended" :)

I don't S&D on schedule...just whenever the mood strikes me.
I don't do either. I'm waiting til my hair is long enough for me to see all of my ends, and then I'll do S&D 3 times a year, or so.
OMG I completely forgot about dusting my end...I remember sitting down and grabbing those tiny tiny tiny scissors aned going thru section of hair to find fork-headed ends and cut them sparingly . ....Maybe thats what I need to reduce my tangles at this point
I do it about once a month. It makes my hair so manageable and keeps the ends very blunt and neat-looking. I'm a sucker for blunt ends.:yep:
I usually do a trim versus dusting. But I want to start dusting after each relaxer. Hopefully I can retain some length by doing this, instead of the 1 inch trims my stylist gives :ohwell: