How often do you dust or seek and destroy?

How often do you dust of s&d?

  • Less than monthly

    Votes: 10 10.6%
  • Monthly

    Votes: 14 14.9%
  • Every other month

    Votes: 17 18.1%
  • Quarterly

    Votes: 11 11.7%
  • Only when needed/Not often

    Votes: 42 44.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
And that's the thing, my ends seem to split often and I wear buns or two cornrows 95% of the time. I am gentle when detangling, I use heat protectants whenever I use heat which is not often, and when I bun I roll my hair into a ball then I use the hair tie to hold it so the hair tie is never in contact with my ends. I keep my hair moisturized and still they split. My hair splits at a rate of about 1/4 of inch a month and if I ignore it that turns in to inches in only a few months. Please teach me the ways of maintaining healthy ends wise one.
I have ends that split like this. I don't think it's anything bad I'm doing, my hair just splits and always has. I do S&D's often so they won't get out of control. It's frustrating.
@greenandchic I think fine hair needs to be trimmed more frequently. Definitely try more frequent dustings and I feel like you will retain more length.

I've told this story here before but i have fine hair and before hair boards I was scared to trim. I had a decent length but my hair never budged in length for like years. Well people kept telling me i needed to trim (ends looked fried) and I finally decided to do it but still scared. I taught my mom to do a basic trim and let her dust (I thought it was a trim then but it was so little hair that now I know it was a dusting) my hair like every 3-4 months. With that tiny amount of hair being trimmed in a short time I started to retain! I was still scared to trim much but I kept letting her dust and I saw new lengths. Then I found hair boards and I learned to care for my hair and wasn't so scared of hair really took off then. I still dust and S&D regularly so I can retain and not have set backs.
I must have the finest of hairs because I will kill to only have to dust every 3-4 months. :blush: I will get splits a few days after trimming like clock work so I trim every 3-4 weeks. I know I've said this before, but your hair is very pretty!
abcd09 said:
I must have the finest of hairs because I will kill to only have to dust every 3-4 months. :blush: I will get splits a few days after trimming like clock work so I trim every 3-4 weeks. I know I've said this before, but your hair is very pretty!

I get splits all the time, not long after dusting as well but I take there of those by seek and destroy or just let them be so I'm not loosing un-necessary length. Really I get so many splits that I have to just put it out of my mind and stop obsessing over it because if I tried to get rid of them all I'd never have length.

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I have ends that split like this. I don't think it's anything bad I'm doing, my hair just splits and always has. I do S&D's often so they won't get out of control. It's frustrating.

Pokahontas First I gotta say it again, you are why I joined LHCF and I thank you (and google). I'm happy to see someone gain great lengths with hair prone to splitting. How often do you S&D?
DayDreamist said:
Pokahontas First I gotta say it again, you are why I joined LHCF and I thank you (and google). I'm happy to see someone gain great lengths with hair prone to splitting. How often do you S&D?

Thanks! I do an extremely thorough S&D about every 4 months ( not as much as I probably should) in summer it's longer cuz I wear my hair curly. It takes me 4 days to do it cuz I do one section a day. I kinda hate doing it but it's worth it and my hair feels great after. I may do some tiny ones in between time.

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cutiepiebabygirl said:
I haven't been in the hair forum in ages...LOL

But ITA with Nonie, it is very possible. My avi picture is from December 2010, I'm WL now and my ends look the same. And I'm not a freak of nature fine haired girl!! I have all the same struggles.

I have to be extra careful about heat usage, I cut every relaxer now that I've reached my goal to maintain those fresh ends. My hair is extremely tangly!!!! I can do moderate protein, but hardcore protein scares my hair still.

Honestly, even though I'm relaxed, my hair acts like it's natural. All my haircare tips, I steal from natural ladies, they help with my fine hair the most.

I co-wash every 2-3 days, I detangle with the Magic rack comb. I only use seamless combs. I do catnip rinses 2x a week, steam twice a week, and do an ACV rinse once a week. I airdry in two large braids. I pineapple my hair at night in my silk scarf with the ends tucked, because if it's loose in the scarf/bonnet, my ends suffer.

So yeah more work involved...but the same result :grin:.

Hey cutiepiebabygirl,

Can you explain a little more in depth about your regimen. I would like to know more about the catnip and what it does for your hair and how you prepare it and your acv rinse. Also has the catnip change the color or your hair and do you steam with the catnip? TIA
Thanks! I do an extremely thorough S&D about every 4 months ( not as much as I probably should) in summer it's longer cuz I wear my hair curly. It takes me 4 days to do it cuz I do one section a day. I kinda hate doing it but it's worth it and my hair feels great after. I may do some tiny ones in between time.

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I really want to S&D as far as the looking for the hairs that stick out if I roll twisted my hair or did the in between finger (idk what to call that) but my hair is too short right now to do the back on my on. Next flat iron in June I will try it, hopefully it won't be as hard as I imagine.
Although I search and destroy and dust/trim often my hair has grown a lot. I went from MLB last year to close to hip length as of today. Trimming has helped me retain length.
Although I search and destroy and dust/trim often my hair has grown a lot. I went from MLB last year to close to hip length as of today. Trimming has helped me retain length.

LunadeMiel WoW!!!! :clapping: That is huge! Can I get some specifics, inches, how often...oh and I need your reggie too :lol: I need to make BSL by Dec
@Baggettcindy Do you do certain sections a day? How much do you take off?

I only cut the split hair is in twists most of the time, so I will take down a braid or two and look for split ends. I shouldn't have said I dusted every day...I only dust maybe every two months are so...I take off...very, very little. less than a basically looks like dust...LOL. I only do this if an end of a braid is split badly.
I only cut the split hair is in twists most of the time, so I will take down a braid or two and look for split ends. I shouldn't have said I dusted every day...I only dust maybe every two months are so...I take off...very, very little. less than a basically looks like dust...LOL. I only do this if an end of a braid is split badly.
Baggettcindy ok I see what you mean. I want to be able to just cut less than a mm! You must retain at least 6+ inches a year!:yep:
Every 8-10 weeks from now on is when I intend to dust my ends. I have proven that any longer than that and my ends just go bonkers. I would rather have short, thick healthy hair than long, sickly-looking stringy hair:nono:. Besides, I love the way it looks after a fresh trim:yep:.
greenandchic, I'm not fussy about brand. I usually just get any medium priced haircutting shears. The pair I have is the Tweezerman Deluxe Hair Cutting Shears from CVS. I picked them because they have a free sharpening guarantee for the life of the tool.

I have never been fussy about the brand because if I didn't pay much for a pair and it became blunt too quickly, then I won't have lost too much money and can replace it. I just make sure the pair is used for nothing else but my hair.
@Baggettcindy ok I see what you mean. I want to be able to just cut less than a mm! You must retain at least 6+ inches a year!:yep:

I wish!! I think my hair grows slow. My front half is growing. I've spent the last few years trying to grow out a layered cut. I also need to exercise more and drink more water. OH...and change my diet. I am doing a better job of eating though.

You can cut less that a mm. How bad are your splits? You may not need to cut at all. I guess it depends on your hair...what it likes.
Y'all have abnormally good eyesight and hand control if you are able to cut less than a mm. A mm is this small - @Baggettcindy, how on earth are you able to cut that much let alone see splits that tiny? :confused:
For a visual, the top scale in the ruler below shows centimeters. 10 mm make a centimeter so y'all are talmbout cutting less than ONE of the ten spaces between 0 and 1 in the top scale. Really?
I mainly do that in the the front I sit in front of my computer and use the light to see the splits. You'd be vey surprised!!
I feel that the amount and time period we choose to cut varies from person to person. I also feel that not having thick blunt ends does equate to unhealthy or damaged ends...some women just have thick ends & some is what it is :)
@greenandchic I got a pair of tweezerman from sephora.
@Nonie lol I can't speak for Baggetcindy but as for me cutting 1/4 in I don't have abnormal eyesight just good aim. In your pictures the way you hold your hair to cut is different than the way I hold mine....I make the section, which is tiny, and slide the hair between my middle finger and pointer and I cut the hair from my palm not the back of my hand. I'll have someone take pictures when I dust again.

I mainly do that in the the front I sit in front of my computer and use the light to see the splits. You'd be vey surprised!!

@Baggettcindy I use computer light too but only in the front. Then for the back I go sit in font of my magnified mirror with a bright light. Now that I think about it, I should just get a lit mirror:lol:
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greenandchic - I go to my beautician every 3-5 months for a dusting but if I can't wait til then and need to clip I got a pair from sally's (don't know the name) that I use. It was about 30 some dollars. I use that to clip my daughters ends and they do fine. Make sure whatever you do you only use them for hair.
@greenandchic I got a pair of tweezerman from sephora.
@Nonie lol I can't speak for Baggetcindy but as for me cutting 1/4 in I don't have abnormal eyesight just good aim. In your pictures the way you hold your hair to cut is different than the way I hold mine....I make the section, which is tiny, and slide the hair between my middle finger and pointer and I cut the hair from my palm not the back of my hand. I'll have someone take pictures when I dust again.


@DayDreamist, one doesn't need abnormal eyesight and extraordinary aim to cut 1/4 inch. A quarter inch is not miniscule . A quarter inch is this long __. From the start of the line to the period. That's easy to see. Now a mm.... :look: I'd have to see receipts. A mm is this small - I don't know how one can trim LESS THAN THAT. But as Baggettcindy said, I'd be surprised. I truly am. :lol:
@DayDreamist, one doesn't need abnormal eyesight and extraordinary aim to cut 1/4 inch. A quarter inch is not miniscule . A quarter inch is this long __. From the start of the line to the period. That's easy to see. Now a mm.... :look: I'd have to see receipts. A mm is this small - I don't know how one can trim LESS THAN THAT. But as Baggettcindy said, I'd be surprised. I truly am. :lol:

I don't think its that unbelievable.

naturalagain2 that is a gorgeous avatar :grin:
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Nonie, I can't see the back of my hair, so that is mainly preventive...I can see the front though. If you sit if front of your computer, you can see a lot of split ends...LOl