How often do you comb and style your hair?


New Member
Well, I just made the decision to transition (thanks to you wonderful women here), I comb my hair twice a day and style it everyday in a pony. I was just wondering how often do you comb you hair and how often do you style it? I hear some women don't touch it for weeks and it still manages.
I take my hair out of my ponytail at night and on mornings to moisturise. I comb my hair once a month . And if i have it in cornrows - once every two or three months
I style my hair daily. I tried that once a week thing...uh no. It totally didn't work for me. Can you say tangled mess?
everyday. i wear my hair straigh most of the time so i comb everyday. when i wet bun and co wash everyday i comb in the shower with conditioner in my hair.
everyday. i wear my hair straigh most of the time so i comb everyday. when i wet bun and co wash everyday i comb in the shower with conditioner in my hair.

what she said minus the straight part...i co wash and comb in the shower everyday and then throw it into a wet bun. if i go more that 2 days with out a comb out...DISASTER!:sad:
I only comb on DC day. A dc every 2 weeks now . I restyle my hair daily i take down my bun every night.Moisturize and seal leave my hair straight to tie it up. Sometimes i will but in some plaits for a braidout the next day or flexrods.
I style my hair daily (usually into flat twists), and comb once a week. I'm considering upping that to twice a week, to reduce the tangles...
I handle it once at night to moisturise and seal before bed but I do not comb it and once in the morning to bun or do some other protective style. I comb maybe 1x a week, 2x if I am going out and want to wear it down.