How often do u trim ends while growing out hair


New Member
I just went to my hairdressor last week to get a touchup. I wasnt planning on getting another trim until maybe march of 04. Ive gotten my ends trimmed 6 weeks prior to and always get them on regular basis.
my stylist commented that wow
your hair is really growing!
she knows that im in the process of growing out and not keeping it short. she asked me did i want a trim? i said, do you think i need one? she said, you can always use a trim.

i got one and now it seems like what ive grown over the course of 6 weeks, ive just lost.

she is the bomb stylist. the best one ive EVER had and dont plan on switching.
anyone in the growing out stage thats achieved long length, do you think not getting a trim till march is reasonable and could my hair maintain healthiness? I never use heat on my hair no more then iardrying under a drier. i just want to uptain some length her.
I get a trim of 1/4 inch every time I do my hair...about every 6-8 weeks.I sometimes feel like asking her if it is absolutely necessary to have one every single time.
Whoa! Adrienne, and I were just discussing this topic
I said that I trim with my Split Ender every five weeks... being that the inches trimmed are so small I didn't think it was a problem, but I came to the conclusion that I should wait muuuuch longer between trims
i haven't trimmed since May of 2002 if i remember correctly. i'm due for a light one and just purchased my split ender and plan to use it this weekend
. it seemed i would trim before getting a weave and trim after taking it out 3 mths later. usually she would trim what i had just grown...and it was braided up, no less. i was also trimming at every touch up, which i didn't need. i decided that i was trimming too often and cut back. my main styles (bun/washngo) are always moisturized and i've retained alot of length this year
. even with the split ender i only may need to use it 2-3x yr max being that it only trims 1/4 of an inch.
I trimmed my hair a year ago. I don't plan on doing it until I get to 25". I will cut 1/2 an inch. That way I'll still be at bra-clasp.
I'm going on 5 months since my last relaxer and I'm not trimming until I get to bra strap length. Now if that means I will have to wear my hair in protective styles until that day comes then oh well.
I haven't trimmed my hair since May 1998. If you think your hair is fine, then next time wait.
JenniferMD said:
I'm going on 5 months since my last relaxer and I'm not trimming until I get to bra strap length. Now if that means I will have to wear my hair in protective styles until that day comes then oh well.

[/ QUOTE ]

Lol, I hear that...Ive been wearing buns straight since July without fail. I got a trim in August. Even now when I let my hair out, the trim line is still there from August. The 2 inches of new growth coming out my head tells me that I must have gotten growth. I think it's fine to hold out on trims while growing hair long, especially if you are wearing moisturized (especially the ends), protective styles at least 98% of the time.
as long as you are protecting your hair, you don't need to trim that often. I think I last trimmed in August and I won't be trimming again until March.
I think I will tell her not to trim as much.1/4 inchisn't much but to trim that much about 8 times a year adds up.
i havent had a real trim in over 3 years, but i let my sister snip any stray hairs i have like once every 7 or 8 months
I used to trim every 10 weeks...but now I only trim when the ends start to look frizzy. I retain more length this way.