How often can a rinse be used?


Well-Known Member
How often can a rinse be used? I use a jet black rinse in my hair after every touch up which is like every 8 weeks or longer but now that I wash my hair 2-3 times a week instead of once a week, the color doesn't last at all! I'm just wondering if its safe to use more frequently, like every 3 weeks or so. Thanks
I'm not sure but I think you can use it only every 6 weeks. But then again if you are washing and conditioning2-3 times per week then I would rinse every 4 weeks. On the other hand, since I started using henna, I don't use rinses anymore. My henna is chemical free and safe so I can re-apply it in as little as 3 weeks if needed becuase it is also a conditioner for the hair.
Probably depends on what type of rinse it is. If it is Colorshowers or similar then I think you could do it more often, as those are all natural. I really don't know. A rinse typically just deposits color so the hair shaft is typical unaltered.
according to the other post about cellophanes and rinses, rinses last till the next wash. Maybe try a cellophane or a clear semi permanent color(if there's such a thing)?
All cellophanes are semi permanent, but not all semi permanent colors are cellophanes. Hopefully that made sense. Color Showers is a cellophane and olive oil based. You can use it every 3 weeks w/o any damage, especially w/frequent washing. I wash every day or two so my color fades quickly, but it also starts growing out, like a permanent so I could color every 3 weeks easily, just don't always feel like it.