How much vinegar is TOO much vinegar?


Active Member
Another question that I really need help with...I have nursed my head o' hair back to health with a few tweeks that include ACV rinses. For the last couple of months I have been doing them (very diluted -- like 2 tsps per 3 cups of water) at almost every wash.

My question is ... Is this going to haunt me soon? :ohwell: So far so good but much is too much with this????

(I wash my hair 2 X a week and deep condition both times). Thank you in advance for the help ladies!
Girl, I dunno. The last/only time I tried to do an ACV rinse, my hair was soft, but my scalp was tore up from the floor up. Trust. It threw the pH of my scalp ALL outta whack. Since, I have been sticking to using shampoo bars that contain ACV and have been fine, so not sure of the concentration.

I'll bump for ya...:bump: