How much shedding is considered normal?


New Member
Hey everyone! For the past few months I have been talking pretty good care of my hair( taking my vitamins, drinking water, etc) and my hair has definetly minimized on breakage.
But it still is falling out. I say this because it does not fall out anymore in peices like it did before but now the whole hair falls out. I know that this is not necessarily bad, hair is supposed to shed a certain amount. But I was just wondering what is the normal amount of hair that is supposed to fall out?
I have type 4a/b that is thin due to my mother fine indian hair. So I guess I am a bit paranoid about my hair shedding because I don't have that much to begin with.
Please give me some tips on how to keep the little hair I do have and minimize shedding. <font color="purple"> </font>
I am having the same problem....I am 9 months post relaxer. I don't have bad breakage anymore but my hair is falling out by the roots
Seeing too may long hairs in the comb has been a consistent problem ever since I began relaxing a year ago. My stylist says that shedding happens more during the change of seasons and that typical shedding is 80-100 strands daily.

I don't like those numbers, so I've ordered Nutrine garlic shampoo (scented) and conditioner (unscented). Do a search to check out this option.
My grandma always told me it is normal for the hair to shed, and the only time i should worrry is when my hair starts to become noticeably thinner......
megonw said:
.... so I've ordered Nutrine garlic shampoo (scented) and conditioner (unscented). Do a search to check out this option.

[/ QUOTE ]

that nutrine is something special
i only use the shampoo though only on roots - twice and each time let it sit for 5 mins. now i only loose say 5 to 10 strands daily - fer real

... i used to do tons i swear like 300 a day - esp. after my second was born.
they say dats norm after but i hated it.
well then maybe I don't have anything to worry about. I am almost certain I do not shed 100 hairs a day. I am positve I don't really shed 50 hairs a day either. I usually shed about lees than 20 maybe even less than that. Bu tusually if don't comb it out for a while and then I comb it out I start shedding like crazy but even that is never more that 40 hairs. Belive me I have been counting. BU ti gues the reasion why I posted this question was because when I was washing my hair the other day, I left in thea leave in conditioner and left it uncombed. WHen i combe it out in the shower yesterday,, a whole bunch of hair came out. I mean it was much more than 100. 200? 300? This made me really depressed,
becuase I am really paranoid about losing what is already naturally thin hair. But on the bright side my hair has not sheddded one hair since that day and it has been three days. Btu that is usua;lly what happen when I shampoo, no matter what I do, my hair just seems to come out. Suggestions, please?