How Much Phyto for a Virgin Relaxer?


I'm preparing to get my first relaxer in over 3 years, and want to know if one box of relaxer will be enough. My natural hair is down to my shoulders if stretched. I just purchased the Index 1, then my cousin suggested I might want to get 2 because some people on here had run out of product before finishing. :eek: My head would look a HAM! :lachen:

Any advice appreciated!
I never used phyto, but w/any virgin relaxer application it's safer to have either a tub of it, or 2 kit's because from my experience you always need a little more than 16oz.
Well, if its virgin, probably 2 kits to be safe. Last time I did my touchup I used a whole kit for it and I'm at shoulder length. (I had a ton of new growth)
