I use a lot of moisturizers. Qhemet's Amla and Olive Heavy Cream is like my favorite "base" moisturizer that I use on the day I wash/condition my hair to twist my hair up. To me, a base moisturizer sets the precedent on how your hair behaves throughout the rest of the week or however long you wait till you restyle your hair.
I apply maybe like a third of my fingertip amount to each twist that I do in my hair. I can't apply moisturizer on my whole head when my hair is loose at once, I prefer to do little sections at a time because it ensures I'm not wasting product and my hair strands are moisturized effectively from root to tip. After I'm done twisting my whole head, I apply a little more moisturizer and then seal. I don't need to seal section by section because my hair is already pretty sectioned so I put the oil in my palm, emulsify to coat my hands, and work it in my hair that way.
On a daily basis, I use one of my Qhemet or my other moisturizers I have on hand and seal. I don't have to do it as meticulously as I did when my hair was freshly washed and conditioned because my hair is already sectioned and applying products to twists is much easier, and more effective, than applying to loose hair. I really like the Oyin Hair Dew for daily moisturizing because its like a hair milk and it's convenient and very moisturizing. I don't like it as much on freshly washed hair. For daily moisturizing I'll use a few quarter sized amounts. I'm pretty generous with product, but I'm easy on the oil.
If I'm keeping twists in for longer than a week and I don't redo them (usually for mini twists), I do the same thing I'd do on a daily basis but I may use extra moisturizer just to make sure my hair is good. I don't retwist my hair either. I'll wash and deep condition as normal, apply leave in, then moisturize and then seal.