How much is to much...


New Member
I know we lose hair daily, meaning our hair shades daily. Here are two pic's of how much hair I loss. This is a combo of hair loss in the shower and after blow drying my hair. Plus, yesterday I didn't comb my hair at all. My hair stayed in a scarf all day. With that being said this is a combo of two days worth of hair. Is this consider to much hair loss:sad:.
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I know we lose hair daily, meaning our hair shades daily. Here are two pic's of how much hair I loss. This is a combo of hair loss in the shower and after blow drying my hair. Plus, yesterday I didn't comb my hair at all. My hair stayed in a scarf all day. With that being said this is a combo of two days worth of hair. Is this consider to much hair loss:sad:.

Sorry ladies, For somereason I'm unable to attach the pictures to this tread, so please in my profile for the pictures. TIA
I can't really tell because the picture is not a close up, but from what I can see, I think that's a lot from 2 days :perplexed

Did you check the hair to see it was from shedding or from breakage?
It is hard to tell from the picture, but it may not be too much hair. You say it's two days' worth of shedding, however one of those days you washed. Generally you lose more hair than usual when you wash and style. Also your hair is quite long, so longer strands make it look as if there is more hair.

One long-time LHCF member used to put her shedded hair in an enveloppe for each day so she could track hair loss. She may have noted on the enveloppe what she did to determine which products or styles cause/prevent shedding. Personally, I'm too lazy to do that, but it's probably the only sure way to find out if your shedding is excessive or not.