How much is Rosemary oil?


Well-Known Member
I'm becoming more interested in Rosemary oil. I love the scent, and also unlike my coconut oil it will stay liquid through the winter. I also want to use it to try to mask the scent of MTG.

How much should I expect to pay for it? What brands does anyone buy, and how much oil is in the container? Can I also get it in concentrate form, for the fragrance? I'm interested in both a regular one and an essentials / concentrated type like with the oil dropper. Where do you buy it? Is there a good (cheap) online store that charges decent prices on shipping, also? Please let me know. Thanks!
I just bought Rosemary Rinse @ Sally's for $4.99. They had a lot of Rosemary stuff, I didn't check for oil though.
Thanks, I checked their website but I didn't find any oil. I'd like to check my local health food store but I'm sure their business hours coincide w/my regular work hours :( Just wanted to explore my options before taking time off work or anything crazy like that, especially if I go there and they don't have it. I'll definitely have to call first!

I have Aura Rosemary mint leave-in spray that I got from Sally's. It smells really good, that's what made me even more interested to just get the oil!
Weleda makes a rosemary hair oil that I've seen for around $10, give or take. I believe that was for 50 ml. I've seen it at health food stores, Whole Foods and the Vitamin Shoppe (I think.)

You can also get a rosemary hair oil blend at FNWL here:

Alternatively, you can make one yourself by buying rosemary EO at any of the places named above. You can mix it with a carrier oil of your choosing or add it to a homemade spray, etc. HTH