How Much Honey Should I Mix In My Conditioner?


New Member
Hello Ladies!
I'm new here, I actually signed up a little under a month ago but before that I admit I was one of those creepy lurkers who just read the posts on here for months. So far I know most of the terms and I have really benefited from a lot of the advice on here.

I have a few "staples" in my stash now that really help me, however I'm starting to get a little greedy in my quest for moisture. I read that adding honey to a regular conditioner would add extra moisture to it. So I went out and bought a big ol' bottle of Tresseme Moisture Rich conditioner and a small bottle of honey. I have NO idea how to mix the two together, or how much honey I should pour into the conditioner. Can anybody help? I'd really appreciate it!!

By the way, Precious was great and the New Moon book is too good to put down!
Thanks for responding =D
So you don't think it would be smart if I just poured a whole bunch into the conditioner bottle and shook it up? Lol. (Yes I'm serious lmao)
I add about 2 tablespoons of honey in my protein mixture. In my deep conditioner mixture, I added 2 tablespoons of Jamaican Black Castor Oil.
Thanks for the response Serenity =D How do you know the exact portions to measure out when you are mixing the honey in?
okay...when were talking honey..Do we mean honey as in real honey that we get from the grocery store in the little teddy bear that taste really good on waffles type honey??? Just and what does it do to the hair?
I would definitely not pour it into the bottle and shake it. :lol:
Just go to the 99cent store, get a little tupperware container or bowl, label it CONDITIONER BOWL DO NOT EAT FROM (because I have eaten from my conditioner bowl and paid dearly for it :nono:), and use that for your mixes.

I use honey with my deep conditioners, and I would say that I use alot. I never measure it out, I mostly do it by eye, but I'd say that I pour a little more than three or four tablespoons.

And yeahh teysmith, the honey in the little bearr. Honey is a natural humectant, which means that it draws moisture from the atmosphere and puts it in your hair. Whenever I have a mediocre conditioner, I can always correct it with some honey and oils. It's good for other things too. I put it in my facial masks, and it's fun to eat it out of the jar. But make sure that you get raw and pure honey, and not anything with extra additives. HTH!
I mix in one tablespoon for each cup of moisturizing conditioner. :yep:

ETA: My recipe:
1 cup thick moisturizing conditioner
1 tbsp JBCO
1 tbsp EVOO
1 tbsp honey
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This is a dumb question, but how would you know that the honey is raw? what kind of additives would it have?
Thanks for the response Serenity =D How do you know the exact portions to measure out when you are mixing the honey in?

I use the measures per cup. So, for every cup of conditioner, I use two tablespoons of the JBCO. For every cup of protein treatment, I use two tablespoons of honey. My hair is nice, soft and shiny. I'm starting to do weekly protein treatments with the added honey, followed by deep conditioning treatment with the JBCO. My hair is improving tremendously. :)