How much hair do you shed....

How much do you shed @ wash time

  • 0-50

    Votes: 48 45.7%
  • 50-100

    Votes: 30 28.6%
  • 100-150

    Votes: 15 14.3%
  • 150+

    Votes: 12 11.4%

  • Total voters


formerly qtslim83
Hey ya'll!!:) Well I am currently 7 wks post relaxer (I have a 12 wk goal), and I try to wash my hair at least twice a week. Beside that, I keep it in a bun. Well after deep conditioning, I detangle my hair. Yesterday, I had 94 hairs (yes...I do count!!!:p ) that were shed, 10 of them may have been broken hairs. Mind you I really hadn't combed my hair in a week. Is this normal?
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for some it would be. for others, it may not. 100 hairs a day is about normal to shed.

As I stretch my relaxer I do tend to shed more. I also comb every 4 days so I can get a lot in my brush.

qtslim83 said:
Hey ya'll!!:) Well I am currently 7 wks post relaxer (I have a 12 wk goal), and I try to wash my hair at least twice a week. Beside that, I keep it in a bun. Well after deep conditioning, I detangle my hair. Yesterday, I had 94 hairs (yes...I do count!!!:p ) that were shed, 10 of them may have been broken hairs. Mind you I really hadn't combed my hair in a week. Is this normal?

That's actually good in my oppinion, experts say it normal to shed 50 to 100 hairs per day give or take so 94 hairs a week is great, I shed like 50 hairs a day, this recently start happening to me I think its the season, once I'm not getting bald it realy don't matter, but I do get alarm sometimes
I believe on average you're supposed to shed 50 to 100 hairs a day,and you didn't comb for a week and only lost a days worth of hair. I would say that's pretty good...IMHO;)
Shedding for me during the winter is pretty much a few hairs. I noticed though since it got warmer shedding has increaded to maybe about 10 hairs I would say. I guess some may come out in the shower but i never notice any in the drain. Sometimes its a bit more because I try to limit combing of my hair so I guess its just more of a buildup of shedded hair that would have come out otherwise.
I don't really notice shedding on a daily, maybe 5 to 10 hairs, on a wash day it's maybe 20 to 40 but that's really it.
Yeah that's really good. I have never counted how many hairs, but for me it depends on how long I wait in between washes because I only comb my hair before I wash it. When it's only a couple of days, I will only shed a little (less than 50) but last week I didn't wash again until a week later and I had more shedding because of it.
I've never really counted, but I usually shed quite a bit. But my wash days are also after my braids have been up for at least a month and a half too so...If its normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs daily, over the course 45 days, that's quite a bit of hair. I'm giving my hair a break from braids for while starting this week. So it'll be interesting to see how much hair I shed after that...
I wash once weekly. On a daily basis, I shed about 10-15 strands per day, but on wash day, I would shed about 150 strands. So about 220-255 strands for the whole week. This is still under normal, but I think it is a lot and my hair is very thin too
It depends, I only comb wash days, once a week and some days I only see maybe 20 hairs and other days i'ts 5x that amount... I have noticed though that after 16 wks of stretching I start to shed a lot more...
man, this got bumped from 2 years ago. UPDATE, I now shed about 30 strands/week because I only comb 1x per week. I dont have time to count all the shed hairs from wash day anymore, but it is significantly less than what it used to be :yep::grin:.

I wash once weekly. On a daily basis, I shed about 10-15 strands per day, but on wash day, I would shed about 150 strands. So about 220-255 strands for the whole week. This is still under normal, but I think it is a lot and my hair is very thin too
I'm a newbie here and I am SOOOO happy to see this post. While going through the over-moisturizing phase I started losing lots and lots of hair. My previously healthy hair was now mushy and clumps started coming out as I detangled in the shower. So I cut way back on moisture and increased the protein... fast! Nexxus Emergencee has helped tons.

But I still get concerned about the amount of shedding each week (I wash weekly and only comb on wash days). I'm so paranoid about shedding on wash days that I gather all of the hair I shed (from the drain and comb) and place it in plastic sandwich bags. This allows me to monitor the hair lose from week to week. I can tell less and less hair is lost now. But, now I'm going to start counting the strands. :grin:

My goal is to thicken up my hair and get to WL. But I'm deeply concerned I won't get there with this kind of shedding. :nono: No ma'am.
I've never really shedded much. Maybe 5 to 10 strands. But I don't know what goes down the drain when I wash in the shower. When I wash in the sink, I only get about 5 strands out.

Idk. Maybe its all the garlic I was raised on since childhood. My family eats garlic all of the time. Lol
Finally since starting my hair journey I don't shed much either...wash day maybe 15-20 hairs if that and I wash 1x a week. I have to comb daily otherwise my hair will be a tangled mess but I get maybe 0-5 hairs in the comb throughout the week.
I dont really shed much either, about 50 strands per week at the most... As Denise11, I am a garlic eater as well, that may be the reason ...
I shed a lot on wash days since I only comb my hair once a week (I don't comb on cowash days) :yep: I sadi I was going to start adding crushed garlic to my condition as a prepoo to see if it helps.
I agree with the ladies on what you losing its not a lot.
I am not sure how much I lose but its not a lot, cause I only do one comb through and thats on wash days.
Hey ya'll!!:) Well I am currently 7 wks post relaxer (I have a 12 wk goal), and I try to wash my hair at least twice a week. Beside that, I keep it in a bun. Well after deep conditioning, I detangle my hair. Yesterday, I had 94 hairs (yes...I do count!!!:p ) that were shed, 10 of them may have been broken hairs. Mind you I really hadn't combed my hair in a week. Is this normal?

that, i would say is average shedding i also after 8 weeks post relaxer i shed more from new growth.
I thought my shedding was a average but I noticed when I took 2 garlic pills regularly my shedding decreased. I started taking garlic for
Overall health less shedding was an added benefit. LM are you adding aloe to your conditioner or directly to your scalp?
Not nearly as much anymore, as I have over the last year or so, I started taking prescription iron pills a little over a month ago.

I took my shedding as normal in the beginning, but was starting to wonder about it lately. For the past week or so, my shedding has greatly diminished. I think it's the iron supplements.

My comb would almost be packed with hair every time I combed it...multiple times per day. My hair didn't thin out on my head, thank goodness. I'm waiting to see what happens next, I hope it's a growth spurt.