How Much Do You Spend on Your Hair?


New Member
Hello Ladies-

How much do you spend on your hair in a year? :look:

Let's see, this is about how much I spend:

$220 Supplements
$100 Shampoo/Conditioner/Leave-in/Oils/Baggies/Etc.
$100 Salon Visits
$ 30 Phoney Pony
$450 Grand Total

What's your grand total? :eek:
Including periodic salon visits for my relaxers, products and appliances, I usually spend $600-$800 per year
I've spent quite a bit of money on my hair aswell, I don't even go to hairsalons - due to the lack of them over here:eek: - but on my HAIRtrip to NY I spent something like $500 on hairproducts. I didn't buy many, but the products were expensive. I'm addicted...correction: a retired addicted of hot tools, so I've spent quite some money on that too. I recently also purchased a hood dryer that cost me €100 (=$132) and that's about it I guess. I like to see it as an investment on my crown and glory:grin:
Funny enough, I don't spend a lot of money on my hair, but I definitely devote a lot of time and thought to it. By that I mean I will go into a store and research all the ingredients in 50 conditioners, come back here and look for reviews, go back again, and buy just 1. :D And unless it's a product that my hair really ended up not liking, I'll use it till it's completely finished. Add to that the fact that our local Dominican salon does my hair for $15, and it turns out I really don't spend that much.
I'm tracking my haircare expenses for a year (started 10/25/06 going to 10/25/07). To date I've spent $43.45 on vitamins, $90.24 on products, $23.75 on appliances, and $0 on stylists (only go for relaxers and no more scheduled until January 07) for a total of $157.44 in just over a month!

I will excuse myself by saying that I've been a member of LHCF since August and have been trying a myriad of products and techniques in an attempt to get my regimen down. I expect the spending to taper off as I nail down my staple products. My hair care expenses will still run me about $1,000 per year because I don't self-relax, and getting my Phyto done at the salon costs me $135, times 5 times a year is $675 for relaxers alone! Plus I try to use all natural/organic products wherever I can and that adds up.

I'll check back in next October with my total.
metamorfhosis said:
Hello Ladies-

How much do you spend on your hair in a year? :look:

Let's see, this is about how much I spend:

$220 Supplements
$100 Shampoo/Conditioner/Leave-in/Oils/Baggies/Etc.
$100 Salon Visits
$ 30 Phoney Pony
$450 Grand Total

What's your grand total? :eek:

You are very wise to spend that much in a year, I guess you are not a PJ.
Since I've gone natural I have cut out all salon costs except for the occasional trimming at Aveda. Other than that I spend on conditioners, leave-ins, moisturizers and supplements. I barely buy shampoo though. I don't know the exact total but I've definitely curved my PJ ways
I've probably spent close to $2000 total (including products, salon visits, and tools) on my hair this year. Next year will be waaaaayyyyyy different.
I wanna say no more than $150-200 per year...I buy cheap conditioners (always have), I dont do salon visits, I do my own relaxers, trims, etc. I take no special vitamins, so hair care for me is pretty cheap.
Since I've simplifed my regimen soooo much I really don't spend much and i'm not using any supplements. My poo is creme of nature which lasts a long time since I only use 2 capfuls per wash with leklair deep con and my leave in garnier fructis sleek n shine leave in conditioner is really cheap at walmart and lasts really long also and my oils are olive and coconut. I only wash once a week and use a little all ways castor oil grease (cheap at walmart also)once or twice a week. So I haven't gotten any products in a while and don't intend to either. Simple is the way to go
I'll round up and say $250 this year. That's the cost of my shampoo, conditioner, protein, oil and butter, some hair pins and the Solia I bought.

I don't go to the salon so all of my spending is really done on large sized bottles of shampoo and conditioner.
Considering I am a pj and I usually buy a product a week (if not just one), I say about $1000-$1200 bucks. For all my products, relaxers, appliances, vitamins.....I know, I got it bad.
I don't like answering this kind of questions:lachen: , I'm not sure of the total. I'm planning on spending less next year:look: