How much do reviews influence you?


Well-Known Member
How much do reviews about products determine what you will/will not try?
Do you think you may have missed out on some great products because of some not so great reviews? Or have you tried a product with great reviews that just did not work for you? I read reviews, but I am the type that just needs to know if it'll work in my regimen. Any thoughts?
I listen to reviews when the person reviewing the product says it caused damage (like the tangle teaser causing mid-shaft splits for some and the best thing ever for others). I'll try natural products and tools that get ok reviews just as much as the ones that get rave reviews. But one bad review will make me pump my breaks. I'm scared of unnecessary set backs.
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I am highly influenced by reviews. I need to know what to expect or not expect. Especially if the price is high then I check reviews before I purchase but I am a pj so even reviews won't stop me from buying things.

The price if I feel is expensive is ultimately a big deal breaker for me even if it has rave reviews.
I always read reviews of a product before purchasing something. :yep:

For the most part, if EVERYONE is saying that they hated a certain product, I steer clear. Likewise, if a bunch of people sing a product's praises, it'll promptly be put on my to-buy list.
If that person has hair like mine (natural in the 4s, fine strands), and I'm on the lookout for a new product, I definitely look for reviews! I don't want to experiment too much on my hair.

I spent way too much money on my hair journey from 2003-2005 looking Holy Grail products. Now I have a better understanding of what works for me, so I dig for reviews from there.
reviews are important for me as well. but i need to read A LOT of them before making a purchase. even if they're all rave reviews i would read everything first to figure out why people are really so devoted.

things that make a difference:
- how long a product is used before it's reviewed
- general habits of reviewer (is there consistency and actual criticism in review history or are they likely to just love everything they try initially?)
- are they die-hard PJs with no allegiance to anything; just out to try everything different/new
- is the product natural (or mostly natural)
- does product generally match other products that have worked for me in the past

things i don't care about
- cost doesn't factor into it so much
- smell doesn't affect me that much since everyone's different (and i love the smell of amla oil henna and wen fig which many seem to hate so...)
- youtube. i hate youtube videos in general and avoid them. and tend not to trust reviews from 'gurus' nor do i enjoy sitting through 10m of rambling for 30-60seconds of real information

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I read, I listen but I filter accordingly. The overall decision is mine based on the ingredients within the product and if my hair agrees with those items.
In the past I would look at reviews until I met a few people who write reviews for cosmetic companies. Also, a company I worked for wrote reviews for the travel industry. I think some are on this board pushing products :look:

I look at ingredients now that I know what to look for.

I like reviews in the natural, health and fitness threads.
In the past I would look at reviews until I met a few people who write reviews for cosmetic companies. Also, a company I worked for wrote reviews for the travel industry. I think some are on this board pushing products :look:

I look at ingredients now that I know what to look for.

I like reviews in the natural, health and fitness threads.

I agree.

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I read reviews but don't put full stock in them. I realize that some reviews are planted to influence potential buyers either positively or negatively. In the end, I take full responsibility for making the decision to purchase.
reviews are important for me as well. but i need to read A LOT of them before making a purchase. even if they're all rave reviews i would read everything first to figure out why people are really so devoted.

things that make a difference:
- how long a product is used before it's reviewed
- general habits of reviewer (is there consistency and actual criticism in review history or are they likely to just love everything they try initially?)
- are they die-hard PJs with no allegiance to anything; just out to try everything different/new
- is the product natural (or mostly natural)
- does product generally match other products that have worked for me in the past

things i don't care about
- cost doesn't factor into it so much
- smell doesn't affect me that much since everyone's different (and i love the smell of amla oil henna and wen fig which many seem to hate so...)
- youtube. i hate youtube videos in general and avoid them. and tend not to trust reviews from 'gurus' nor do i enjoy sitting through 10m of rambling for 30-60seconds of real information

*everything you never wanted to know ;)

This! All of it.
Reviews have made me the ultimate product junkie...I'm so bad I try things everybody hates. LOL. It's sad.
I read reviews before I buy something but I don't place a lot of weight on them because I don't believe everything will work for everyone.

If I feel like the product will be right for me, I'll give it a try, do a strand or patch test and see if it works.
Bad reviews influence me more than good ones, but like @nzee I focus on what is said in the review; unlike @nzee I like watching youtube reviews :grin:. I have noticed some of the vloggers can be a bit melodramatic if a product didn't work for their hair. I find them entertaining, but don't really pay attention to their reviews. Also, if someone keeps having problems with different companies, I am going to wonder if the company is at fault or said person.

Ultimately, if I love or hate the ingredients/price/customer service, the reviews have no impact on me. I will try it.
In the past I would try some products if it had been raved about before I'd even thought about buying it. But usually only if it had a place in my reggie. However, when it comes to picking up a product in store, I don't consider seeking reviews beforehand. Nowadays, I'm not swayed enough by product reviews on here enough to buy something new.

I'm more likely to look for reviews when it comes to actual techniques like oil rinsing etc.
I gotta say I was a PJ and an RJ (review junkie), and that just increased my PJism lol. I used to go get every product that had the greatest reviews until I started getting some self discipline and sticking with one product line. Then when I noticed that products were working for me that didnt have the best, or any reviews at all, I realized that my hair isn't everyone else's hair so I can't hold too much stock on everyone elses opinions. Now I dont spend nearly as much money and my hair is doing better because I stick with staple products. Reviews I feel are only good for very expensive products, or styling tools, but there is no need to look up reviews on greases and gels and shampoos, IMO.

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When a product gets good reviews from people I hair product twin, I am going to try it. Also I seem to buy more products off of bad reviews than good, because when a person gives a thorough review they will mention what they did not like, and it is usually what I am looking for, so I buy it.

Rely heavily on good reviewer, very happy with them. Love tastiredbone, she tells the truth. @makeuovixen

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They do sometimes but I already know what type of products I want to use use and which ones I don't so even if someone raves about something it doesn't mean I will go out and buy it even if there is a lot of excitement around it. At the end of the day, I have already found a lot of simple solutions for my hair.
Sometimes. I only look up reviews on products I was already interested in. I read/look at all reviews, but I give a little more weight to people with similar hair issues to mine. If all most everyone gives it an unfavorable review though, I will pass.
Miss Jessies is one of tose products I'm on the fence about. I want to try them, but Ive read so many mixed reviews about the products and the ingredients. Not to mention the price. The only product that is a staple for me that I trusted reviews on is Kinky Kurly Knot today. Everything else I can switch up on.
How much do reviews about products determine what you will/will not try?

Not much for hair products coz I'm sort of set in my ways with my staples. I will try new things if I read about them elsewhere - e..g a book or an article - anything that's not a straight out product review/demo.

Do you think you may have missed out on some great products because of some not so great reviews?

Not really. I look at whether the person has hair like mine. In many cases a bad review of a good product simply means the product wasn't right for the reviewer's hairtype, or the reviewer doesn't know how to use it.

Or have you tried a product with great reviews that just did not work for you?

Yes, in my early hair board days it was a mess. None of the rave products worked for me. But ... I guess I should have known better. :)

I read reviews, but I am the type that just needs to know if it'll work in my regimen. Any thoughts?

This is the only way to go. And always get the sample sizes when you can. They're cheap and won't fill up your bathroom/house if they don't work for you.
I tend to listen to the Reviews in the U1 B1 Thread :yep:

You Name it. Somebody ova' there has tried it.:lol:

Also, there are a several e-friends on the Forum (maybe not in that Thread) who also give up plenty of Excellent Product Reviews.:grin:

I 'rarely' watch YT reviews.
It doesn't really influence me at all unless the person has natural 4b, fine, dense, protein loving hair. And most people doing reviews don't have my hair type, so I don't listen to their product reviews in particular. My hair is really picky, so I know if a product doesn't have or has certain ingredients my hair will or will not like it even if 99% of people say it works for them.
I listen and read reviews all the time, especially if someone have similar hair type as mine: porous, fine to medium strands, etc.

If someone doesn't like a product, I find out why. Is it the scent, consistency, ingredients? Does it make the hair dry, no enough slip, etc.

If someone says its because it didn't make their "curls pop", then I'm less inclined to take their review at face value because that's not important to me. I may try it anyway even if someone else didn't like it. If someone said it make their hair hard from the protein, I may try it because my hair craves protein.

Ingredients are first and foremost with me though. If it has glycerin or shea butter high on the list of ingredients, Ill pass.