How much damage will this do?


Well-Known Member
I dyed my hair at home a jet black color. (pic/links in siggie)
That was Feb 4.

Now i'm bored with it and want to try a brown with light brown highlights

I'm going to get a trim within the next two weeks and will texlax on April 3rd.

If I go get colored in tha salon when i trim in two weeks:

a) how much damage will that do?
b) what can i expect of my hair?
c) will it be okay to texlax on April 3 as planned?
d) are certain brands better for achieving the browns on previously dyed jet black hair?

Thanks in advance ladies!
I would be scared to do it...but that's just me.

I am relaxed but my hair can't take two chemicals like that.

If your hair is healthy maybe it can take it... but I wouldn't do it.. but again that is just me...and everyone's hair is different.
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Was the jet black permanent color? If so, the process to strip the tint from your hair and then deposit another color and texlax at some point will cause damage no matter how well you try to take care of it.

Brown cannot be achieved when the hair is black unless all of the color is removed with professional products formulated to remove tint. Your original hair color will also be removed. It is like bleaching your hair. Don't do it!!!!!

If I were you I would stick with the black, get a full head weave or wig in the color you want, and let the black grow out. What you want to do will result in a chemical haircut (extreme breakage)
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Whimsy said:
I dyed my hair at home a jet black color. (pic/links in siggie)
That was Feb 4.

Now i'm bored with it and want to try a brown with light brown highlights

I'm going to get a trim within the next two weeks and will texlax on April 3rd.

If I go get colored in tha salon when i trim in two weeks:

a) how much damage will that do?
b) what can i expect of my hair?
c) will it be okay to texlax on April 3 as planned?
d) are certain brands better for achieving the browns on previously dyed jet black hair?

Thanks in advance ladies!

well I did the same thing but my jet black was a permanent color. I dyed it brown 1 month after but my new growth was brown and my ends were still dark brownish black because the black was too dark. My hair wasn't damaged but professionaly I dunno how the brown will turn out.
DON'T DO IT!!.. I had my hair dyed jet black before and wanted it lighter ..My hair dresser told me to wait atleast 6months that way the color isnt fresh...Then when she dyed it lighter my hair was strong and not over processed...and also 4 weeks after my retouch... U have to give ur hair the break...
I have heard that is it very difficult to lift hair that has been colored jet back to a lighter shade. It will probably take a lot of bleach, which can be damaging, and even still may not turn out your desired color.