How much damage does straightening your hair cause?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies

Did anyone notice a 'frying' sound when you straighten hair that has oil in it/been oiled?

I don't know how to describe it. there is a similar sound when you straighten hair that is WET. it makes that 'frying' noise

When this happens, is it doing alot of damage to your hair?
I straightened with damp hair tons and had no damage. Then of course over the last year or do on occasion I straightened on dry hair and I get two very minor areas of heat damage. Go figure
If it sizzles, you are using too much product. Try distributing it with a comb first then ironing. If you see residue on your hands and tools, it's too much product when using heat tools.

I use Wonder 8 oil mist or One N Only Argan Oil. I use them very, very lightly.