How much conditioner do you use??


New Member
I saw this thread in DiasporaHairCare. I was wondering how much conditioner do you use? A lot of ladies there was saying that they can go through half a bottle in once use. IMO, that is entirely too much! I usually apply my conditioner to my hair in sides. I apply about 2 quarter size amounts per side, which equals 4 quarter size amounts, if even that. I find that if I use too much conditioner my hair gets weighed down and goopy feeling. Plus, my conditioners cost some change and I ain't trying to waste money. I just don't see how they do it.

So, how much conditioner do you use? Do you find it useful to use a lot or a little bit?
I agree with you, not too much or its wasted! I use a big dollop in my hand, rub them together and use 1 hand for one side of my head and 1 hand for the other side. If I feel I need more I'll squeeze maybe a dime to quarter amount more to the ends and finger comb it through. Then I put a plastic shower cap on to continue showering and then rinse it out.
I think I use a lot...definitely not the whole bottle, or even half at one time. I think I can go thru a whole bottle in about 4 never feels like I have enough conditioner in my hair. That's why I'm so glad I found out about Suave and the other cheapies cuz all those CWs were starting to burn a hole in my pockets.
I'm heavy handed and like to saturate my hair with conditioner, so yeah, I use A LOT!
I like for my hair to be saturated as well. But I also think that it depends on the conditioner. I feel like some conditioners give me great coverage which just a few dollops. Then there are others where I can use the entire tube or bottle and I still don't feel like there is anything on my hair.
I saturate mine just so that i can get a comb through it. I make sure to rinse with cool water so that some of the conditioner stays in my strands when the cool water closes the cuticle back up.
I use a lot!

I bought a 4 oz tub of the Culture Moistureaide Conditioner and I practically used the entire container for one deep condition.

But, I so like to saturate my hair, as well.
msbrown76 said:
I think I use a lot...definitely not the whole bottle, or even half at one time. I think I can go thru a whole bottle in about 4 never feels like I have enough conditioner in my hair. That's why I'm so glad I found out about Suave and the other cheapies cuz all those CWs were starting to burn a hole in my pockets.

Ditto to this. I think I might be better off with the cheapies because I can afford to be very generous.
My hair is super thick and there is NO way a quarter sized dollap is gonna do a thing for me. That wouldn't even cover a 1/4 of my hair. Seriously, its that thick.

I am heavy handed and I like to cover as many strands as possible. This is the reason I like creamy conditioners better than liquid ones. So I use as much as I need. When I have lots of new growth I need even more. I'm not using an entire bottle but I know an 8 oz bottle may see 4-5 wash days. Oddly enough 1 ORS Replenishing Pak is plenty for my hair. Ok maybe 1 and 1/2 paks. :lol:
I use as much as the ORS Replenshing pak is for a DC as iwth the regular conditioners for a cw. I also like to put a lot of conditioner in my hair. It feels so nice.
I bought my humectress at least 3 months ago and I havent gone through it yet, so I guess I am doing fine.
My conditioner lasts forever, it seems. I actually learned how to apply conditioner from a professional and have not had any problems. *shrug* For my hair, it's really quality, not quantity that makes the difference in how well a conditioner works. I can dunp a half bottle of not-so-good conditioner on my hair, and it will behave miserably. But give me a conditioner my hair loves, I can actually use just one quarter-size dollop, and that's all I need.

Here's my method:

I start with a small quarter size amount and work it between my hands, like body lotion (this also heats and emulsifies the conditioner some so it works more effectively), and spread it evenly over my hair in sections. I then repeat this process until my hair is covered (only once or twice more). Then I squish just a little extra conditioner into my ends, working it upwards, and comb through with a shower comb. I cover with a cap, deep condition under a dryer, and rinse with cool water for about a minute or less (leaving some conditioner in my hair).

All in all, I only use about .5 to .75 ounces per treatment with no problems. I follow-up with my leave-ins to seal the conditioning in. I actually get bored with my conditioners before I run out. :)
msbrown76 said:
I think I can go thru a whole bottle in about 4 co-washes....

Me too! I alternate between a co-wash and a shampoo each week...and usually a bottle/tub will last me about 4 sessions...or about two months if I am rotating conditioners...

My hair is very dense but I try to remember what my old beautician told me about your hair only absorbing a certain amount of condish and after that it just goes down the sink!:eek:
Well let's just say that huge tub of Motions, the one that cost $20 last me for 3 months. I like to drench my hair in conditioner, untils it's pratically white.
I section my hair in three parts and use a 1/2 teaspoon on the sides and a teaspoon in the back. The conditioner I use is Renee Furterer.
I go through a lot!!! I have to saturate my hair, so I use enough so that I can detangle it. Since my hair is texlaxed, I need to part and apply by section, and maje sure some stays on there.
I also go through a LOT of conditioner. I stretch for a pretty long time and a "dollop" is not gonna cut it when you've got 4-5 months of new growth that you're trying to comb through.
I loooove to drench my hair with conditioner. I use Macherieamor's method on dry hair (and my hair is a dessert) so it soaks up a lot of conditioner. But its worth it because it has made detangling a breeze! Besides, I have tons of conditioners that I bought during my PJ episodes and this is a wonderful way to use them up.
I use 2 quarter size of my treatment conditioner then I use enough garnier fructis to comb through, but my conditioners last for about 4-6 months.
Wow. I thought I used a lot of conditioner until reading some of the other responses. I use about 1-2 tablespoons worth. My hair is relatively short though.
I really dont pay attention to how much I am putting in my hair, when my hair feels covered then I stop the application. However, I can use a whole lotta shampoo, I have the tendency to keep applying when I dont see enought lather.
Enough... and that translates into a lot. :lol:

I love thick conditioners and I find that my hair does best when it is nicely covered with conditioner. 95% of the time, I welcome the "weighing down" that a lot of people fear.
For CO washing, probably 2-3 small handfulls. Basically, when there's enough on my hair for the tangles to come out very easily.
For conditioning, about 1 small handful. Enough to cover my hair.