How much are you all paying for wash n sets in NYC!


Well-Known Member
I am just curious. The prices have seemed to go up a lot, especially in Brooklyn. I used to come to Bk and get a wash and set for $10 Mon.-Wed. ($5 extra for a blow out) and $12-15 every other day of the week. Now it seems like Everyone is charging $15 and up. What's up with that???? They charge me even more b/c my hair is too thick and too long. Ladies, I just reached APL.. Not long even that long.
Everybody is 20. Dom. Essence charged me $20 - last week. I have scraping shoulder length hair.

I will no longer go to a salon for wash n set....I do it all myself now.
when i was in going to school in long island it was $20 mon-wed for a wash n set with deep treatment. then $25 on the other days. now that i am learning to rollerset i dont have to waste my money every week.
Around my way in Brooklyn I think Mon-Wed it's supposed to be $10 but they always find ways to jack up the prices. Especially when they see my thick head of hair that $10 special disappears! And unfortunately many of those places just seem very unprofessional so I guess you get what you pay for.
I am just curious. The prices have seemed to go up a lot, especially in Brooklyn. I used to come to Bk and get a wash and set for $10 Mon.-Wed. ($5 extra for a blow out) and $12-15 every other day of the week. Now it seems like Everyone is charging $15 and up. What's up with that???? They charge me even more b/c my hair is too thick and too long. Ladies, I just reached APL.. Not long even that long.

Around my way in Brooklyn I think Mon-Wed it's supposed to be $10 but they always find ways to jack up the prices. Especially when they see my thick head of hair that $10 special disappears! And unfortunately many of those places just seem very unprofessional so I guess you get what you pay for.

I've been seeing signs in some Brooklyn salons that say the prices go according to the length and density of the hair.
Dominican Divas in the Bronx charge $20 The deep conditioner is extra, either $3 or $5. My hair is APL and thick.
Around my way which is the Fordham Rd area in the Bronx they charge like 20 dollars. Now around my mother's way which it the Third Ave area they charge 10 dollars, on the special days which is Monday, Tuesday and Wedensday. When I use to get it done I found myself going every 3 days. THen they want to charge 5 dollars for DC then if you want to sit under the dyer longer then 15min they charge you another 5 dollars for the full 30 mins. I got tried of the Bull and started to go there just to see what they were using and started stacking my house up with the product. It got to the point that I would wash my own hair, DC in my own house over night and then go to them with the DC in my head and a shower cap on with a fitted hat and be like I just want you to put your rollers in and just blow the root and then that is when they would charge me the straight 10 dollars cause my hair was already wash, and conditioned. Then I got tried of that and I started studying the way they put the rollers in. I went to the BSS and started buying rollers all of the sizes because I really didn' t know how to do it, plus I didn't know which size to use but I got the ones that was the same color the lady put in and started doing them every 3 days and I wouldnt stop until I got it right. I would watch stuff on you tube and all that for help at first and now it's a wrap. See my thing is we can't keep giving these stylist our money, we have to learn all this stuff our self, cause number one we in a resseion, and two I don't want nobody hands in my head thinking bad thoughts or what have you then next thing I know I just have breakage out of no where. Some stylist are good and some are just haters, I can't put my hair in nobody else's hands but mine.
$15 and up sounds about right....Where i go downtown brooklyn they charge $15 for wash,set and blow....but if you want a dc then its $5-$10 more, if you bring your own dc then they charge you $3 for the dryer. But they also start charging more depending on the length and the density of the hair. since i am natural they started charging me $20 versus the $15 that I used to pay.
You guys are so fortunate. I live in a relatively large city in the South, and I only know of one place where I can get a wash and set for $30.